Leann comes down the street. She's got her dress in her arms. She sees Peter outside the bookies, and she smiles and waves. | |
| Tony and Pat head out of Underworld with their suits. Kevin Webster calls over to Tony from the garage and says he hopes there will be a lot of booze at the wedding. He's looking forward to getting “proper hammered.” Pat asks Tony if that man is really coming to his wedding, and Tony explains that his wife and daughter work for him.
Tony asks how Pat liked the flat he set him up in last night. He felt right at home, and Tony tells him he could do him a really good deal on one if he ever fancies spreading his wings and flying south. “Leave Scotland?” asks Pat. “One traitor in the family's enough.” |
From Maria's front door, Tom sees Tony and says surely he hasn't been working this morning. Pat jokes that Tony just likes showing off his empire. Tony tells them he had his clothes delivered to work. He didn't want Carla to see them before the big day. Maria wishes him luck. | |
| Tony and Pat pass Sally coming out of the salon. They say good morning to each other, and Tony observes she's got a new haircut. She says she's also bought herself a new dress, which cost her a week's wages. She asks him not to tell Kevin. Tony says he wouldn't dream of it.
Pat points out that Tony seems to be popular, but Tony tells him he just knows a lot of people around here. It's not quite the same thing as being popular. |
They round the corner and find Leann waiting for the bus. Tony starts to take out his wallet to give her some money for a cab, but she says she's fine. He gives in, as long as she makes sure his bride looks incredible. Like she needs any help from Leann.
He introduces her to his brother. Pat says he's the best man. Leann says she's the best woman. Pat asks her to wish Carla luck for him. She's going to need it.
Tony suggests they go to Roy's for breakfast, and Pat agrees, as long as Tony's paying. “Don't I always, brother?” | |
| Peter comes across the street to Leann and asks if that's her wedding outfit she's holding. She jokes that it's just a very long pair of earrings. He says it's a shame he won't get to see her all glammed up, and asks her out on the town this weekend to give the dress another outing. She tells him she's “off” bookies at the moment, and he tells her that's “bookie-ism.” He can tell he's going to have to work on her. He tells her to have a good time at the wedding. |
Over at the garage, Sally tells Kevin she wants him on his best behavior today. Whatever problems he has with Tony, they're her and Rosie's bosses. It's not every day she gets invited to a fancy do like this. She wants to enjoy it. | |
| Maria asks Tom if Helen and Barry got off alright last night. He says they couldn't stop talking about the baby. He tells her it's great news about the scan. Maria's really happy. At the hospital, they said the baby couldn't be healthier.
She goes silent, and Tom tells her it'll be a good day today. If she needs him, he'll be right next to her. She hugs him. |
Carla overlooks the street from the balcony of their flat, drinking her morning coffee.
She goes inside, and in silence, stares at her dress. | |
| Steve and Michelle's place is a DISASTER. She comes into the room and sees clothes EVERYWHERE and sighs. Steve comes in behind her, still in his pajamas and robe, scratching his balls.
She's shocked to see he still hasn't showered. He tells her he must have fallen back asleep, and goes into detail about this weird dream he had... the Harlem Globetrotters playing a game against some Disney characters. |
Michelle doesn't care about his stupid dream. She just wants him to put some clothes on. They have to get the bar all set up for Becky, whose going to be on her own this afternoon. Steve tells her to keep her bob on. He's just going to go get some fags.
Now?? Michelle had to take Amy to school this morning because Steve wouldn't get out of bed. Steve tells her to calm down. The wedding's not for hours yet. She tells him they've got LOADS to do. Steve doesn't see what the big deal is. This is the first day he's slept in in a long time. Michelle's pissed he had to choose today of all days. She heaps a pile of dirty clothes into his arms and says he can take care of this mess. It's his stuff anyway. She storms out, and as soon as she's gone, he tosses everything on the floor again and looks satisfied with himself. | |
| Carla's still staring at her dress when Leann lets herself in with a MASSIVE bouquet. Carla jokes that it's a bit big for a corsage. She asks if Leann wants a coffee, and Leann is a bit disappointed she hasn't got the champagne out already. Carla says she's pacing herself.
Leann asks her how she's feeling. She was half expecting to see the door wide open and a note saying Carla had run. She tells her she's fine. Leann says Carla's been through a lot lately, and she's probably still grieving...
Carla interrupts her and says she knows what she's doing. It probably wouldn't have worked out between her and Liam anyway. She just wants to enjoy the day.
“Right...” says Leann, “...Why the hell are we drinking coffee then?” Carla laughs and tells her the bubbly's in the fridge. |
Tony and Pat are done with breakfast and leaving Roy's. Pat asks Tony what was up with that guy in there. He kept randomly bringing up useless facts about bats. Tony tells him that was just Roy, their local nutter.
Speaking of local nutters... Jed Stone comes by and starts antagonizing Tony again. Tony gives Pat his suit and asks him to take it upstairs for him. There's something he's got to do. He tells Jed he's lucky he's caught him in a good mood. He pulls a couple bills out of his wallet and hands them to Jed. He doesn't want to see him today. “Stay away. I mean it... old man.” He leaves, and Jed laughs. | |
| Blanche is lamenting that if they'd been invited to the wedding, they'd be having better than soup for their dinner. Dierdre tells her they don't even know them. Blanche says they certainly do. Their grand-daughter's father is living with Carla's ex-sister-in-law. They're practically family!
Dierdre hopes Simon's getting along better at school today. Ken says it can't be easy for him, all this change lately. Blanche is still going on about the food. They'll be knee-deep in lobster. Dierdre says it can't be easy for Peter either, but she has to give him credit, he has really come through for Simon lately. Ken says they'll see. “It'll be champagne all the way, and not your cheap stuff neither!”
Dierdre's got an idea. She's got a drop of white wine in the fridge. Blanche can put a fizzy aspirin in it, put a big hat on, and pretend she's there.
“You've a mean streak in you, Dierdre Barlow. I don't know WHERE you get it from.” |
Michelle comes out looking stunning in a green dress with her hair all done up, and asks how she looks. She see's Steve STILL hasn't even shaved, and he's fidgeting with the stove. The cab is booked for ten minutes from now!
He whines and says he'll do it in a minute. She thinks he's doing this on purpose... which he is. She asks why he doesn't want to go to this wedding, and he asks why SHE has to be so “flippin' dramatic.” It's not like HE nags HER every minute of the day.
They're supposed to be picking up Maria RIGHT now. Today's going to be hard enough for her without making her wait for Steve. He tells her SHE can go, and he'll catch up with her later. She tells him he can stay home and fiddle with his pilot light all day if that's what he wants. Today isn't about him. It's about Carla and Tony, and looking out for Maria. Liam would be disgusted with him. | |
| Ryan's got his video camera all prepped for the wedding and is testing it out on Tom. Tom asks where Michelle is. The cab will be there any minute. Ryan says she's probably still arguing with Steve. They've been at it all morning. There's a knock at the door. It's Michelle. Tom asks where Steve is, and she asks him to PLEASE not bring that up.
Maria comes downstairs and they all admire how good she looks. It's been ages since she got dressed up. Tom tells her the necklace she has on looks lovely, and she tells them it was her last birthday present... from Liam. She picks up a picture of him and her voice starts to crack. She just can't believe he's not there. |
There's a honk outside, and Tom says he and Ryan will see to the cab. Maria says Liam would probably be half-drunk by now, and Michelle jokes that they would have had to have to taxi stop by the pub on the way to the wedding. Actually, he probably wouldn't have been drinking with Maria on the wagon... yeah right. They both laugh.
Maria sets the picture down and tells herself to get a grip. Michelle tells her it's a happy day. They're not going to let anything spoil it for them. Maria agrees, and they go outside. | |
| Ryan films them as they step outside. Tony calls over to the them that they both look lovely. They wish him luck, and get in the cab. |
The Websters step outside and tell Tony they'll see him there. Kevin calls Tony a “pratt” under his breath, and Sally gives him another warning. Pat tells Tony he doesn't get much of a friendly vibe off of Kevin, and Tony says to ignore him. | |
| Jed tells Tony he might see him later on, and Pat asks who the old fella is. “No one. No one at all.”
Pat asks if Tony's nervous, and Tony says he just doesn't want any screw-ups today.
“Come on,” says Pat. “What could go wrong?” Tony glares out the window at Jed as they drive by. |
Everyone's entering the hotel and admiring how lovely it is. Sally wonders if it isn't a bit early for champagne, but admits she HAS been up since 6:00. Kevin asks if they have any beer. | |
| Maria, Tom, and Ryan enter and say how classy it all is. Sally says she feels right at home. The girls from Underworld come over, and Janice says Sally MUST feel at home with Kevin chugging back the beer like he is. He asks Sally to hold his beer for him, he's got to pee. Everyone laughs, and Sally looks mortified. |
Rosie tells Maria she heard the scan went well, and Maria tells her the baby's really healthy. Sean says Marcus would be thrilled to hear that news, and Maria asks if Sean ever hears from him. He says he hasn't, and they all go quiet. | |
| Ryan films Tony coming down the stairs. Tony says he hopes he's getting his good side, and Ryan jokingly asks if Tony HAS a good side. |
Tony introduces Pat to everyone, and Kelly looks VERY interested. She admires his suit, and Tony says it's typical... Pat shows up at the last minute and upstages him on his big day. Pat says he doesn't think that will ever happen, and Kelly giggles. Sean loudly tells her to try to keep her underwear on until the END of the ceremony. Everyone laughs. | |
| Tony tells them it's lovely to see everyone. Maria asks if he's nervous, and he says he's marrying the woman of his dreams. He couldn't be happier. Sean tells Tony he scrubs up well, and Janice says that if Carla doesn't turn up, she'll gladly step in. Everyone laughs and Janice says women like her don't grow on trees. “Yeah...” says Sally, “they just swing in them.” EVERYONE laughs. Janice points out SHE'S not the one drinking the beer.
Tony tells them all he hopes they're on they're best behavior, and they all say in unison “Yes, Mr. Gordon,” like they do at work. |
Kelly tells Tony that Vicki sends her apologies for not being able to attend the wedding, and she hands him something small wrapped in aluminum foil. Apparently, in Vicki's country, the guests give the bride and groom bread and salt so that they never go hungry. He asks Kelly to thank her for him. | |
| Kevin comes back from the bathroom and takes his beer from Sally. He tells Tony that's a nice skirt he's wearing. Tony sarcastically says he's glad the two of them have put all that “stuff” behind them. Kevin says he's glad too... and belches. |
Tony and Pat go out to get some fresh air, and Pat notices Tony IS nervous. He admits to a few butterflies. To most people he's the big fat-cat boss. He tells his brother he'll probably hear a few stories about him later... when the drink starts flowing. Pat says he can't wait, and Tony tells him to just ignore all the talk. | |
| Becky sneaks into the Rovers and finds Steve messing with the jukebox on the wall. She'd thought he'd be somewhere drinking bubbly and doing the conga by now. He tells her the bad boyfriend routine worked. Michelle told him not to worry about going to the wedding since he'd been acting like a dick all morning.
The good thing is, the two of them get to spend the whole day together... like a date. She tells him pulling pints and washing dirty pots isn't EXACTLY drinks at the Hilton, but she'll take what she can get. He tells her he could lock the doors for ten minutes and starts to reach for her, but she pushes him away. He knows the rules. |
She asks what he's doing, and he tells her the jukebox is giving him trouble again. They can't have a date without tunes! She tells him to stand back. This needs the feminine touch.
She spits in her hands, rubs them together, slams the front of the jukebox closed, and hits the side of it with her fist. The music immediately starts. “Who ARE you? The Fonz?” They start dancing, bumping and grinding up against each other. Just then, Blanche comes in and catches them in the act. “Just the two of you today? Why I wonder who did the rotor.” Steve asks her if she'd like a drink... on the house obviously. | |
| Everyone's sat down for the wedding, and Tony tells his brother that at least if Carla's stood him up, he's got him there to witness the public humiliation. Pat assures his brother she'll be there.
Kevin reckons Carla's come to her senses and bolted. |
We get a brief glimpse of their apartment...
Empty bottle of champagne, overturned glasses, massive bouquet in a vase. | |
| Tony looks at his pocket watch.
Ryan films everyone waiting. Kelly poses for the camera. |
Leann pokes her head into the room, followed by Carla. She says she's ready. The bagpipes start to play. Everyone stands up and turns around. Tony takes a deep breath and stands up, but waits until the last possible moment to turn around, just in case she isn't there.
They see each other and smile. | |
| Everyone admires Carla as she walks down the aisle. Tom whispers to her that she looks gorgeous. “I know,” she says.
She reaches Tony and he tells her that she takes his breath away. She smiles. |
In the Rovers, Becky's set up two lines of six drinks each. Steve asks her what she's doing, and she says they're going to play "Around the Board." They drink them all, one every fifteen minutes, in order. It's everything they serve on tap, their bitters, lagers, and ciders, going from the weakest to the strongest.
Steve says this isn't a “game”... this is just getting wasted. She asks him to work with her here. This is SUPPOSED to be a date. She's trying to inject a bit of fun. He says in that case, he'd love to play Around the Board with her. | |
| They each grab a drink, but before they take a sip, from behind them, Blanche says she'd like some service... if they can bear to tear themselves away from each other.
Becky says she'll sort her out. Blanche asks if they're having a good time, and Becky wants to know if she's going to sit there all day giving them the evil eye.
“It were either this, cleaning the oven, or having a good go at me bunions.” Becky remarks that these really are her golden years. |
Jed comes in and asks Blanche if he can buy her a drink. She thanks him, but tells him she's made her own arrangements drinks-wise. He says he'd love to have her company. He's heard so much about her from Emily. She gives in and lets him order them a round of drinks.
“Some date this turned out to be,” Steve moans. Becky says it could be worse, and tells him to go stick some more tunes on. | |
| Tony starts his vows.
“I join my life with yours. Wherever you go, I will go. Whatever you face, I will face. For good or ill, in happiness or in sadness, for riches or in poverty.”
Kevin chuckles at the poverty line.
“I take you as my wife, and give myself to no other.” |
Carla's turn.
“I join my life with yours. Wherever you go, I will go. Whatever you face, I will face.”
Sean has heard that marriage is supposed to make you a nicer person. He wonders what the chances are for Tony and Carla. Janice bets it's slim to none.
“For good or ill, in happiness or in sadness, come riches or poverty. I take you as my husband, and give myself to no other.”
Kevin chuckles again. “Bit late for that, isn't it?” | |
| They are announced as husband and wife as Carla puts the ring on Tony's finger. Maria watches, just about to cry.
They kiss, and everyone claps. |
Kevin makes another daft comment, and Sally suggests they go out and get some fresh air. To be continued in... THE RECEPTION. | |
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