Becky asks Roy if he's okay with the fact that Hayley's going back to Africa. He corrects her and says that she's changed her mind and is in fact staying home.
Michelle enters the diner and tells Becky that they're throwing a bit of a celebration for her parents' wedding anniversary. It's on Wednesday, sort of an all day kind of thing. She asks if Becky might be able to watch over the bar while it's going on. Becky says Wednesday might be a bit tricky. She tells Michelle that she'll look into it and get back to her. | |
| Graeme's very very early for his first day of work. Ashley finds him sitting on the step outside the butcher shop waiting for him, and they go inside. |
Becky steps outside and calls Steve. She asks if he's free to talk. Liz is in the room, so he says he isn't.
She tells him Michelle's just been in telling her about some big party they're having on Wednesday, just when she'll be sitting in court waiting for Steve to come in and get her off. She asks if he's going to be partying with his family or being her witness. She's starting to get a little nervous. He tells her he'll see if he can work something out. | |
| Michelle enters the room, and Steve has to end his conversation with Becky. She asks Liz if she thinks they should do an all day sort of thing, that way people can come and go when they want.
Steve thinks it's a great idea. They can't be expected to spend their whole day there. They've got lives to lead. Michelle wonders what he's on about, and says he won't be going anywhere. She'll be needing him for all sorts of things. She says the main reason her parents are coming over is to see him anyway. |
Roy brings a weary looking Hayley her morning tea, and she says she's never going to touch alcohol again as long as she lives. Roy says she's had a difficult couple days and wonders if maybe now that she's come to her decision if she might be happier.
He asks her why she changed her mind. She doesn't know what to tell him, and thinks it should be enough for him that she IS staying. | |
| In the shop, Amber and Molly argue loudly about what went down between Tara and Dev. Amber says she was just angry about what her father's done to Darryl, but Molly doesn't think that gives her the right to ruin her father's relationship with the woman he loves.
Dev comes in and they both go silent. He's almost to his office when Amber says that Tara would have found out anyway. He should be glad she heard from Amber and not from her mother. Dev says that either way, these are private matters not to be discussed in the shop, and especially not in front of Molly. He tells her to forget Tara. Do what he's doing and forget she ever existed. |
Fiz, Chesney, and Kirk are home from South Africa! They pull their suitcases from the taxi. Fiz Chez that if anyone asks how their holiday was, just tell them they had a great time and that they're mum's fine. So basically... lie. | |
| David suggests to Tina that they go check out “butcher boy.” |
Ashley tries to teach Graeme the ABC's of butchering, but Graeme isn't taking anything seriously. When Ashley back is turned, he puts on a show for David and Tina through the window.
Tina thinks it's best they don't ask what happened to the car in front of Ashley. | |
| Hayley comes downstairs all showered and dressed, but says she doesn't feel much better. Becky apologizes for yelling at her last night, and says she's glad to hear she's staying.
Becky asks if Roy can manage without her for a few minutes. She's got something she's got to see to. It's “life and death.”
Hayley tells him she's going to pop into Underworld and see if they need anyone right now. She doesn't look too thrilled with the idea, but says it has to be done sooner or later. |
Becky comes into the Rovers and asks Liz if she can see next week's schedule, just to get her out of the room.
She asks Steve if he's going to be there for her or not. He says he will be. She asks how he's going to get away of the party. He hasn't come up with a reason yet, and doesn't see why it matters. Becky knows Michelle will want to know, and if he doesn't have something convincing enough, she'll make him stay. He says Michelle doesn't control him, but Becky's not too sure about that. She's REALLY getting nervous now, but Steve assures her he will be there. She says she'll see him in court.
Liz comes back with the schedule, but Becky's already gone. | |
| Over at Underworld, Hayley walks in and looks around nervously. Julie comes up to her and asks what she needs. Julie doesn't know Hayley because Fiz got her the job after Hayley'd already left. She tells Julie she used to be supervisor, which Julie rudely assures her she will not be doing again because that's HER job now.
Just then, Sean, Sally, and Natasha notice Hayley and rush over to hug her and welcome her back. Sean tells Julie to run to Tony and tell him the nicest woman he's ever met has returned and would like her job back. Everyone tells her how good it is to see her again, and goes on telling her how everything at Underworld has changed. They're all talking at once which is making Hayley extremely nervous.
Tony comes over to introduce himself, and she tells him she's made a terrible mistake. She shouldn't have come. She runs out. |
Michelle's good old Irish parents have arrived. Her mother says they're glad to be there for a happier reason than last time... last time being for Liam's funeral. Her voice cracks as she says it. Michelle asks if they want to come through the back, but her dad says they'll stay right here where the drink is. Surprise surprise. | |
| Steve pulls Michelle aside and tells her he won't be able to stay for the whole party. He begins to make some excuse, but she lets him have it. Her mum and dad have come here because the two of them are all they have left. She says she's been watching him all morning, and whenever she mentions the party, he's been pulling faces and acting like he doesn't want anything to do with her parents. She nearly called them and told them not to come.
He assures her he's glad they're here, and promises he'll be there for the party. Whatever else it is he needs to do, it can wait. She says she'll need him there before and after too, to help set things up. He says if she wants him there, he'll be there. |
Fiz sees Hayley across the road and runs over to give her a hug. Fiz asks if she'll will be back working at Underworld, and Hayley says she doesn't think so. Fiz doesn't know if she'll have a job anymore either. | |
| Minnie comes into Dev's shop, but before she'll let Amber leaves, she wants to know if she can get a job at Dev's new kabob shop. Amber can't believe she'd even ask. Her BOYFRIEND should be running it. Molly calls Dev out and tells him Minnie's looking for a job. He tells her he admires her initiative, and he's sure there will be one or two shifts with her name on it.
After they've left, Molly asks if he's going to be talking to his daughter. Dev says he's talked too much to his daughter, thinking she was an adult and that she could be trusted. He won't make that mistake again. |
Michelle's called Becky again at the diner. She doesn't want to hound her or anything, but she needs to know if she'll be able to work the party. Becky tells her she'll be busy in the afternoon, and as for the night... she doesn't know whether she'll be “free” or not.
Michelle accepts that and says that at least she's got Steve. He's promised to devote his whole day to her and her family. She's made him take a solemn oath not to set foot outside the pub. | |
| Hayley comes in, and Roy says he was wondering where she'd gotten to. He asks if she'll be starting back at Underworld, but she says that she needs to talk to him. She says she'll be upstairs and asks him to join her when things slow down. He asks what it's about and she says “Everything. Just... everything.” |
Ashley asks Graeme if he really wants to make something of this job. If he really wants the job, he'll teach him everything he knows, but if he's going to keep making jokes, he can leave right now. Greame promises that he really wants it, and Ashley says he'll see him after lunch. | |
| Amber's on the phone with her mum. They're talking about plane tickets, and she tells her she'll see her soon. Minnie's jealous. She never gets to go anywhere. Amber tells her it's only Finland, and in the dead of winter.
Her dad comes home, and Amber tells him she's decided to give him some space until he comes to his senses. |
Over lunch, Graeme tells David and Tina about how the Windasses stole the car. He says he's come to a realization... They wanted rid of the stolen car in the first place, and Gary and his daft uncle have helped them with that. No more problems. | |
| Michelle tells her parents she's planned a nice little lunch for them. Just the family. Her dad asks if Carla will be joining them, and Michelle says she went away just after Liam's funeral, and hasn't come back yet. Her mum says there's one person that definitely won't be coming... their Liam, and she starts to cry. |
Liz tells Steve that she hasn't been invited to the party. He asks what's the point of inviting her. She's already going to be there. Liz says it would have been nice to be asked. He tells her she's got his invite. | |
| Fiz goes to see Tony, and apologizes for taking so much time off. She just wants to know one thing, can she have her job back? Tony gives her and outright “No,” and she turns to leave.
But he tells her she can have Hayley's job. He's been pestered all week about how he needs to give Hayley her job back, so he was going to be nice and do that, but she doesn't want it. So it's Fiz's lucky day. |
Hayley tells Roy she hasn't been completely honest with him about Africa. She tells him about Tillie having a relationship with Olaf, and that when she found out, what she felt... was jealousy, because it's what she wanted to have happened to her. It's what she dreamed of, and that's the real reason she wanted to go back.
She's really really embarrassed to be admitting all this. She's only just admitted this to herself, and she feels pathetic. Everyone keeps going on about what a wonderful thing she's done, but she's really just a middle-aged woman with a school-girl crush for a rather ridiculous man with a guitar and some Swedish folk songs.
Everyone's treating her like a saint, when she's come back to a man who is a REAL saint. She apologizes repeatedly. She's been stupid and dishonest, and says she wouldn't blame him if he threw her out.
Roy pauses for a moment, then says he's sure there's a Swedish folk song that says "you don't throw out the person you love." She says she doesn't deserve It, but asks if they can pretend none of this ever happened and that she's just got back. He says her plane landed about five minutes ago, and asks if she had a good trip. They embrace. | |
| Michelle apologizes for the way she went off on Steve before. She just really wants everything to be perfect for her mum and dad. She asks if he'll be there all day for her, and he says of course he will. She kisses him and says he's fantastic.
As Michelle leaves, Steve turns around. There's Becky. She says she knows what he's promised Michelle. “When I'm in that court, and it all comes down to you testifying for me, you ain't gonna be there, are ya?” He stares at her blankly, not knowing what to say. |
Steve walks away from Becky, and she follows him. She tells him he can't be in two places at once. Just then, Michelle comes over. She's had another idea. Why doesn't she take her mum and dad out shopping in the morning, and they can have the party in the afternoon. Steve says “Fine, whatever.” and Michelle walks away, not too thrilled at how un-enthusiastic he's sounding.
As soon as she's gone, he asks Becky what time the court case is. It's in the morning, and if Michelle and her parents aren't back until lunchtime, Steve can be there for her! | |
| Amber lugs her big suitcase down the street with Dev yelling after her. He asks what running away to Finland is going to prove. She doesn't care, as long as it gets her away from him. And school can wait. She doesn't even get along with her mother, but next to Dev, she's perfection. He tells her that if Darryl really wanted to stick around, he'd find a way. Like it's not Dev's fault he lost his job and might have to move to Spain? Ugh. |
Michelle's parents ask how Maria's doing, and she says she's being brave. Her mum says they'll have to go cheer her up. They've brought along a few presents for the baby, but Michelle wonders if it might not be a bit soon for that.
She lets them know the three of them will be going shopping tomorrow morning, and then they can stop of for lunch somewhere. Her dad doesn't sound too thrilled with the idea of shopping, and asks where Steve will be. Michelle says he's got things to do in the morning. Steve and Becky hear this and wink at each other. Michelle's mum says that if her husban was planning on sneaking off for a drink with Steve, then tough! | |
| Michelle goes around to the back of the bar where Steve and Becky are standing. She asks if he's breathing a sigh of relief, and he denies it. Well good, because this will leave the morning free for him to set up the food for the party. And he can decorate the pub; streamers, balloons, a banner. That should keep him out of mischief. |
Amber and Darryl walk out to her cab hand in hand. She asks if he knows whether he'll be there when she gets back or not. His dad's called and told him there's a ticket to Spain with his name on it if he wants it. He says he'll obviously try to find a job here first, but if he can't... he's got nowhere to live.
Dev's unlocking the door to the takeaway and watching the two of them, smiling. Amber pulls Darryl in for a kiss. He asks if that was for him or for her father. It was for Darryl, but it didn't do Dev any harm to see it.
She gets in the cab, and tells him she'll call him as soon as she gets there. They say they love each other and kiss again. She says she'll see him when she gets back. The cab drives off, and Darryl looks in Dev's direction, who gives him a smile and a wave and then closes the door. | |
| David's on the phone with a client, and tells them Joe's out of town for a few days, and he'll have him ring them when he gets back.
Gary Windass yells to him from across the street. He smugly asks why he's not driving. David says it could have been worse... it could have been HIS car. Gary's confused, and David tells him the car was nicked. The cops are probably looking for it right now. |
Becky runs over to Steve, who's clearing tables, and asks him what they're going to do. Steve has no clue, but just then, Michelle's dad comes over and asks for a word with him. Becky looks annoyed and takes the plates from Steve.
He thanks Steve for being there for Michelle. She's told her mother repeatedly that she wouldn't have gotten through Liam's death without Steve. What he's trying to say is that Steve is practically a member of the family... so if he were thinking of formalizing things in that respect, he and his wife would be more than delighted. | |
| Hayley's working with Roy in the diner, and she's in high spirits. She's glad they've had that talk. With Ken no longer working there, and with Becky working only part time, she can be around to help Roy a lot. She tries to help with a bunch of things, but in the past year, Roy's changed a lot of his procedures and moved everything around. She asks if maybe the menu could do with a revamp. He says they'll talk about that later. The important thing is that she's decided to stay and that she's happy with her decision.
Hayley tries to help a customer, but she can't find where Roy's moved the pads and pencils. She suggests maybe they could change the décor a bit, but before Roy can respond, she says she's just going to pop out for a bit if that's alright. |
In the takeaway, Dev is trying to make a meal for David, but the slice of meat he's using is WAY too big. David tries to correct him, but Dev says he knows what he's doing. He's being extra cheesy, and putting on quite the show. David says he'll pass, and leaves.
As soon as he's gone, Dev whips out his mobile and calls Minnie. He asks if she can do a shift in the kabob shop... now. “What do you mean, you've got college?” | |
| Hayley sits quietly at the bar in the Rovers, thinking to herself. Becky brings her over a drink, and Hayley asks how she's feeling about her court date tomorrow. Becky says as long as she gets the top bunk, she'll be great. Hayley's surprised to hear her say this as Becky had said she would get off no problem. She tells her things are a little more complicated now.
Becky says they're saying she assaulted someone, which she DIDN'T do, but she did go on a bender and do some really bad things. Hayley says that Becky may do some daft things and get herself into trouble, but at least she knows what she wants and goes after it, instead of wandering around not knowing what she wants out of life. |
Darryl and Graeme come into the takeaway and Darryl orders the “meal deal” off the menu, but wants onion rings instead of chips, and a milk shake instead of a can of pop. Dev has NO idea what he's doing. You can tell Darryl's doing this just to test him.
Dev pours a bunch of random things into the blender trying to make a milk shake, and for SOME reason, doesn't put a lid on it, but sticks his face like right INTO the blender when he turns it on. Milk goes EVERYWHERE. Darryl and Graeme go ballistic laughing and a dripping Dev throws them out.
He grabs Darryl and pulls him back into the shop, locking the door. Dev says it's obvious he doesn't know what he's doing, so he wants Darryl to run the shop. Darryl's confused. He thought Dev was glad he lost his job. Dev asks him not to make it harder on him that it already is. Darryl wants a job so he's still here when Amber gets back, and he's offering him one. Darryl says he'll have to think about it, and leaves. | |
| Becky corners Steve again, and tells him she needs to know what's going to happen. He tells her again that he'll be there. How CAN he be when he's got to sort out food AND decorations?
Liz comes over and says that was a very cozy chat he was having with Michelle's dad. She reckons there'll be wedding bells by Easter. She's thrilled.
Becky looks at him worriedly, and he promises her he'll be there. |
Night has fallen over Coronation Street and Barry and Helen Connor sit silently in Maria's living room. She's crying, and tells them that it's the little things that get to her. Last week she was at the grocery store, and they had a sale on some frozen burgers Liam used to like. She put them in her cart without thinking. She starts to cry harder, and Helen takes her hand. She asks if Maria has someone she can talk to. She says she has people she can do things with... but she doesn't have someone she can do NOTHING with. That's what she really misses.
Barry goes to make them a cup of tea, and Helen asks how the baby's doing and when her last scan was. It was supposed to have been last Tuesday, but she didn't go. She's scared there might be something wrong. She starts to sob.
Helen tells her she needs to go, if only for her own piece of mind. She's going to make an appointment with the hospital, and they can even go with her on the day if she wants. Liam can't be there for her, but they can. Maria checks to make sure they wouldn't mind, and Barry tells her Helen would love every minute of it. | |
| Fiz fills Hayley in on what happened with John Stape. She feels really stupid. Hayley says she just wanted to think the best of him. She can't be blamed for that.
Fiz tells her she thought about leaving. When everyone was talking behind her back, she considered moving away, but then she thought about the people who were here and loved and needed her. She wishes Hayley had been there when it happened. She could have talked to her. She's disappointed Hayley's not coming back to the factory, and asks what she's going to do. Hayley doesn't have an answer. |
Steve runs into the Streetcars office, and before he can ever get a word out, Lloyd says “No.” Steve needs his help, and Lloyd says if it's about Becky, then no can do. He tries to ask him to help decorate the pub for a couple hours tomorrow morning, but Lloyd keeps changing the subject. Steve says that normally wouldn't ask, but he's desperate. If he's not there in court for Becky tomorrow, she's going down. Lloyd says he won't help him. | |
| Fiz gives Maria a belt she's brought her back from Africa. Maria really loves it. Fiz asks how she's been. She didn't like leaving her again, so soon after Liam's death. Maria tells her the baby's doing good, and she's going for her scan this week.
There's a knock at the door. It's the woman from the Weatherfield Gazette, asking Maria questions about Fiz. Fiz comes to the door, and the woman tells her she's doing a piece about Rosie's kidnapping. Maria tries to close the door on her, but she tells Fiz that lots of people think she played a part in it, but for what it's worth, she thinks she's innocent. She gives Fiz her card, and leaves. |
Roy's cleaning up the diner, when Hayley comes back, hours after she left. She apologizes and says she didn't meant to be gone so long. He asks if every thing's alright. She says every thing's fine... except... it isn't. She takes Roy's hand and sits him down.
She tries to think of what to say, but when she sees how worried Roy is, she tells him not to worry. She's not going back again. She's just... at a loss for what to do now that she's back. She thought she'd be working in the diner with Roy, but that won't give her what she's looking for any more than working at Underworld will. He asks if that's where she's been all afternoon... thinking. She says she's had long talks with Fiz and Becky, but they didn't have much to suggest. They ended up talking about their problems, not hers.
Roy suggests this is something at which she excels. Hayley doesn't know about that, and says it doesn't really do her much good. He says it does her good because it does THEM good. He asks if she's ever considered doing that for a living. She says that for one thing, she's not good enough. He says she's as good at helping people as anyone he's ever met, if not better. Hayley doesnt' know where she'd even begin, but Roy tells her that Emily knows a charity through the youth center. She can talk to her. | |
| In the takeaway, Dev's monkeying with the inner-workings of the blender when he sticks a knife in there and shocks himself. Darryl laughs from the doorway.
Dev asks if he's thought about coming back, and Darryl hands him his list of terms and conditions. Dev laughs at how much Darryl wants per hour, and the kind of bonuses he's demanding, and crinkles the paper up. Darryl says he can take it or leave it, and starts to walk out of the shop, Dev yells after him that he'll take it... provided he start right this second. He puts his cap on Darryl's head and howls with laughter as he leaves. |
Michelle checks with her little party organizer to see if he's got the food for tomorrow under control. She wants to make sure he's getting the pies from Ashley. She shows him a picture she's found of her parents on their wedding day, and suggests he could take it to the photocopy place and have it blown up so they could hang in on the wall. Steve asks her when he's going to find time to do that on top of everything else. She tells him it won't take five minutes. | |
| David and Graeme walk down the street laughing. Graeme's singing and dancing. The Windasses watch them from their car. Gary complains that they've made complete idiots out of them, but Len tells him to have patience. They'll get them back. |
Out behind the Rovers, Steve pours himself a drink when Becky comes out and sits by him. He tells her not to ask him again, and she says she won't. He promises her he'll find a way to be there, but she tells him he won't, because he can't, and why should he? It wasn't him that went on the rampage. Why should he lose everything because of her.
Steve asks what she's saying, and she tells him he doesn't have to testify if he doesn't want. He tells her she'll go to jail, but she says that's her problem. He says he told her he'd help her, but she admits it was only because she put pressure on him, which she shouldn't have done.
He asks her if she really means this, and she tells him he's a great guy who doesn't deserve to be running around like a scared rat because of her. She says he did his best, and it's all down to her now.
Steve hands Becky the bottle, and puts his hand on her shoulder before going inside. She stares off into the night. | |
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