It's the day of Becky's court case. She's packing a few things into a small box, and looking rather contemplative. | |
| Steve comes in from out of the rain to find Lloyd asleep at his post. It's just after 6:00 and Lloyd wonders what Steve's doing up so early. If Michelle's kicked him out again, he's not telling any more lies to save his ass. Steve says he won't have to. Becky's let him off the hook. She's said he doesn't have to testify. She doesn't want to get him in any more trouble.
Lloyd's surprised at how relieved Steve seems. If he doesn't lie in court, won't Becky go to to jail? Steve says Lloyd has no idea how much pressure he was under. He can't be in two places at once. |
Tony hears a noise in the dark and goes to investigate, wielding a crutch. He tells whoever it is to stay where they are. He's called the police.
It's Carla! She couldn't get the light to work. Tony asks what the hell she's doing. He was just about to whack her over the head. She's not supposed to be back til this afternoon. She says she'd found an earlier flight, and thought she'd surprise him.
He doesn't seem to happy, and she asks if every thing's alright. He just still a little shaken. He thought she was an intruder. She starts to giggle and asks if the police are really on their way. They're not. They both burst into laughter and she gives him a hug. | |
| Becky asks Hayley if she can hold onto the box for her if things don't go well in court. There's nothing of much value in it, just a few things she'd rather not lose. She tells them that if they want to rent out her room while she's in jail, they're more than welcome to.
Roy thinks that given the way she was talking the other day, she seems rather pessimistic now. Becky tells them there's a slight problem. Her star witness can't make the trial. Roy and Hayley question why this person can't make it, and Becky says that it's not their fault. They didn't do anything wrong. She got herself into this mess, and it's up to her to own up to it. |
Carla thinks there's something different about Tony, who's being awfully quiet. She tells him they shouldn't beat around the bush... she's not a fool... she knows what he's been up to, and she thinks it's about time he told her the truth. He can't look her in the eye, but tells her he's got no idea what she's talking about.
She tells him she knows that he took 8 grand out of their joint bank account, so she's hoping there's quite the welcome-home gift waiting for her. He breathes a sigh of relief, and she jokingly asks what other crimes he's guilty of.
He tells her about his current cash flow problem. The flats aren't selling, and the pressure of running two businesses was getting to him. He didn't knowwhen or if she'd be back. He apologizes profusely. She says it's alright, and that she trusts him. | |
| Steve sits in silence in one of the booths at the pub. Liz comes down and wonders what he's up to. He says he's working on the rotor. He's taking Becky's shift. Before she can question why he's doing that, Michelle comes down from bed. She thought Steve had run off or something. She asks what's going on, and he swears he's fine.
Michelle's got a million and one jobs for him today. She wants the day to be really special for her mum and dad. He promises it will be, and she gives him his list for the day. |
Emily's arranged for Hayley to meet the leader of the youth center this morning, but she can hardly think about that right now when Becky's going through all this. Becky's thrilled to hear that Hayley might be getting a new job.
She tells them there's no way she's letting them come to court with her. The two of them are the loveliest people she's ever met, and after all they've done for her, she's let them down. If things go badly today, she couldn't bear the thought of looking them in the eye while they were taking her away.
Hayley says they're proud of her for taking responsibility. Becky reckons things COULD go really well. She could be home by tea time. And if not, she's tough, she's done time before. She gives the two of them a big hug | |
| The #1 thing Michelle needs Steve to remember today is not to lose his list. That's his bible for the day. She hands him another piece of paper. THAT'S the list of the relatives she's invited. And whatever he does, he's not to let Cousin Kieren come to the party. He and her father fell out years ago. If he shows up, it'll ruin everything. Steve asks how he's supposed to know Cousin Kieren. Neither Michelle nor Ryan can remember what he looks like. She knows she's asking a lot of him, but it means so much to her. She kisses him. |
David and Tina both leave for work. The Windasses watch from across the street. Gary holds up a crowbar. “Time to do some damage.” | |
| In the Kabin, Becky's buying a pack of cigarettes... or five. It could be a stressful day. Blanche is behind her in line, and being nosy as usual.
Lloyd comes in and Becky books a taxi with him. She tells him she needs to be at court and asks if he can pick her up in ten minutes outside of Roy's. After Becky's left, Blanche asks Lloyd why Becky's going to court and if he'll be staying to watch. He says he won't, but Blanche looks VERY interested. |
Norris enters looking quite sharp in a new suit. He's being photographed for the Weatherfield Gazette for being runner-up in the Cliff Richard competition. At last he's going to meet his nemesis, Mary Taylor. | |
| Len's trying to pick the lock on the Platts' back door, but not having much luck. Gary's antsy and wants to smash the window in, but Len tells him to have patience, and he finally cracks the lock. He tells his nephew they'll be silent and deadly, but most of all, tidy. |
Barry isn't too keen on going shopping with the girls this morning, but the sooner they go, the sooner it will be all over. They take off, leaving Steve and Liz alone in the pub.
They call for Sean, and he runs out of the back with a massive box of party decorations. He sets up a ladder and starts to climb it. Liz wonders if they should trust HIM up on that thing. Sean assures her he'll be fine.
Liz thinks they might need some more man power and asks if Becky might be free. Steve says he's checked, and she isn't. He TRIES to start decorating, and Liz immediately decides she and Sean should do the decorating while he fetches the pies. | |
| Roy and Hayley bid Becky farewell outside of the diner. She tells them she'll be back. It may be a few hours, and it may be a few months, but she WILL be back. She hops in the cab and Lloyd drives off.
Steve walks by and sees the cab. He asks Roy and Hayley if that was Becky in the cab and whether she seemed okay. They say she's putting on a brave face, but apparently her star witness has bailed on her, and she's expecting to be found guilty and sent to jail.
Steve tries to convince both them AND himself that things could all work out. Hayley's not so sure what another stay in jail might do to her. If she does end up going back, they'll have to visit her often, and write, anything they can do to support her.
“I need a cab,” Steve says to himself, but he doesn't make it ten feet when his mum runs out of the pub yelling that Sean's just fallen off the ladder! He looks around, not sure of which way to go, but ends up marching back toward the pub, with a concerned Hayley sprinting after him. |
Lloyd drops Becky off outside the court house. She asks how much she owes him, but he says this trip was on him. He tells her how grateful Steve is that she's let him off the hook and asks if she'll want him to pick her up afterwards. She says maybe in a few months... she'll call him when she gets a release date. | |
| Steve's taken over ladder duty, while Liz and Sean organize the food. Michelle's phoned to make sure Steve isn't forgetting anything. He glances at the clock. |
Inside the court house, Becky and her lawyer go over a few last minute things. The vile Detective Hooch comes over and asks where “lover-boy” is. He brushes past her, laughing. Becky asks how much time she'd get for punching him in the face right now. Anything less than six months would be worth it. A court offical comes over. They're ready for her. | |
| The party's started and a few guests have arrived. Steve asks Tom if one of the guests is his cousin Kieren. Tom warns Steve that can't let cousin Kieren in! Barry would freak! But guess what, Tom doesn't remember what he looks like.
Liz runs over. They're half through the sandwiches already. Where's Ashley with those pies? She tells Steve to go check on it. |
Steve exits the pub just as Lloyd drives up. He asks him what time it is. Becky must be in court by now. He opens the cab door and tosses Lloyd out. He's going to court! He tells Lloyd to cover for him while he's gone, and tears out of there, Lloyd screaming after him. | |
| Gail and Joe have returned from their weekend holiday and stare blankly at an empty kitchen. EVERY fixture is gone, with everything that was in them neatly placed on the floor. Gail asks if he knows anything about this. How could he? He was with her all weekend. She goes to call her son, and suggests Joe call his daughter. |
Over tea, Rita and Tina question Norris about what happened with the photo shoot. He's reluctant to say anything, but he did meet the mysterious Mary Taylor, and she was everything she expected and more. Much more. Rita reckons he's smitten with her, but he says he has respect for a fellow “comper.” She's a very smart, attractive, witty, and vivacious young woman, and he's meeting her tonight in the Rover's. | |
| Steve speeds up to the court house, and runs inside, bumping into two young men. He apologizes to them and grins. He says he's got to prevent a miscarriage of justice, and runs inside.
Becky is shocked to see him there. He worries he's too late and apologizes. He got there as fast as he could. He's meant to be picking up pies.
Luckily, Becky tells him they've adjourned her case til this afternoon. She smiles and asks if he's going to be her witness. Her lawyer says they'll need him at 2:00. He's not so sure. Michelle and her parents will be back by then. Becky reckons if he got there once, he can do it again.
He says he'll try... no, he'll do it. He'll be there. She jumps on him and hugs him tight. He's the bestest friend a girl could ever had. Steve leaves and her lawyer asks if she thinks he'll make it. “Well..." she says, "he's not exactly known for his reliability.” |
Michelle phones Liz to tell her they'll be at the pub in ten seconds. Liz assures her they're ready, and she quiets everyone down and they yell “Surprise!” as they enter. Helen and Barry are shocked and so so happy. Michelle tells them she and Steve thought they deserved something special on their special day. Helen gives Ryan a hug, and Barry's in awe of how Michelle did all this. She tells him it was mostly Steve, and she looks around for him. Liz says he's fetching the pies. | |
| Tina returns home to see what the big emergency is, and notices the kitchen is missing. David swears he knows nothing about it, but Tina wants him to fess up. Joe asks him if it's the Windasses. David says it must be.
Tina admits that they ripped out the Windass' kitchen... and set fire to it. Gail's confused, and Joe is pissed. He says Gail was right the first time. This is all his fault.
He explains to Gail the whole story, and she wants to call the police. He tells her the last thing he wants is to get a reputation for getting into trouble with his clients. He promises he'll sort things out with the Windasses and he'll build her a new kitchen, much better than the last one. He tells David to come with him. Gail hates being the last one to know what's going on in her own family. |
Michelle asks Liz if she's seen any sign of Steve, but just then Graeme and Ashley enter with the pies. Michelle beings to worry. Where's Steve? He comes in right behind Ashley, all out of breath, and tries to cover his ass by telling them to get them in the oven sooner next time. Ashley gives him a confused look.
Michelle pulls Steve over and asks him where he's been. She knows he was sorting out the pies, but he missed the big surprise. He apologizes and says he thinks Ashley's having a bit of trouble with the new lad.
He asks how the surprise went, but before she can tell him, he says he's got to sneak off. There's a really important airport run, and they've insisted HE drive them. She tells him he's already missed the start of the party, and he's going nowhere. His mobile rings, and she takes it from him. It's only an airport run. He can send someone else. Family comes first. He tries to get his phone back, but she says she'll keep it. He doesn't need it. She orders him to mingle and at least act like he's enjoying himself. | |
| At the court house, Becky tries Steve again, but there's no answer. The court official tells her they're ready for her... for real this time. |
Steve runs out the back of the pub to try to think. He finds Graeme there, and tells him he needs him to do him a favor. Graeme says he's delivered the pies. His work here is done.
Steve wants him to punch him in the face. Not too hard. Maybe on the nose. Graeme assures him he's not a man of violence. Steve tells him he'll give him 30 quid, and Graeme's on his feet in a flash, rolling up his sleeves. Steve closes his eyes, but Graeme backs out. He can't do it.
“Your pies taste like dishwater.” Graeme WAILS on his face with his fist, and Steve goes flying right through the smoking shelter, shattering in. Will blood gushing out of his nose, Steve thanks him for his fine work. Graeme helps him up, and makes sure the thing about the pies was just to wind him up. | |
| They hear Michelle and Barry coming around back, and Steve starts to put on a show. He says he was mugged! He saw some kids back here, and when he went after them, they thumped him and ran off. Barry asks if he got a good look at their faces, but Steve says it all happened so fast.
He should probably get to the hospital, and Michelle asks Graeme if he can take him. Graeme agrees, but says he wishes he could have done more. Barry tells Michelle they should call the police, but Steve says they're probably long gone by now. He promises he won't be long. |
Hayley returns to the diner and tells Roy things went great at the youth center, and she's got an interview for the job. She asks if Becky's phoned, and Roy tells her the case was adjourned this morning, but should be going ahead right about now. | |
| Becky's in court, looking VERY nervous. The judge asks for any witnesses to come forward. A court official pokes his head outside the courtroom and calls Steve's name repeatedly, but returns when there's no answer. “Well,” says the judge, “that may speed things up a little.
Becky shuts her eyes, just in time to miss Steve burst through the doors and move to the front of the court. He apologizes for being late. Hearing his voice, Becky opens her eyes, and gasps. She laughs with glee, and as Steve enters the witness box, she jumps up and down, blowing kisses in his direction. |
Joe and David knocks on the door at the Windass' place, but they're gone. No, I mean they're GONE. There's no furniture. The house is empty. | |
| Steve swears to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The judge sees his nose still gushing blood and asks if he's alright. He tells her he was mugged, and she motions for Becky's lawyer to proceed.
He asks Steve to verify his name, that he owns the Rover's Return Public House on Coronation Street, and that he employs Becky Granger there. He asks Steve to tell them a little about his relationship with Becky.
Before Steve can utter a word, Blanche makes a scene of entering the courtroom and takes a seat. She grins and waves at Becky, then loudly asks if she's missed anything. Becky looks terrified. |
The lawyer again asks Steve what his relationship is with Ms. Granger. Steve mumbles that they've been having an affair.
Blanche jaw drops.
Steve confirms that Michelle knows nothing about this. He asks Steve where he was on the night Becky allegedly went on a drunken rampage. He says he was in a flat that he owns, and that Becky was with him all night.
Becky smiles. Steve again confirms he was with her from about 8:30 onward, and that they spent the rest of the night there, together. They have to grab their opportunities when they can.
The lawyer asks Steve to tell the court how long this affair has been going on. Steve looks to Becky and she holds up one finger. “About a year,” he says, and Blanche shakes her head. Steve looks right at Becky and says that it was an unexpected surprise. It's not been easy. She can be hard work... difficult... unpredictable. But she's special... really special. The lawyer thanks Steve for his time. | |
| Night has fallen, and Steve and Blanche stand outside the courtroom. Blanche is really letting him have it. It's bad enough that he can't keep his trousers on, but that poor girl back at home, she's lost both her brothers.
Steve interrupts her and tells her it was all lies. She's shocked that he would lie under oath. He says he was just helping a mate. Blanche is disgusted. He's the father of her great-grandchild. He says that after all Michelle's been through, he didn't want her finding out he was helping Becky like this. Blanche thinks he was just helping himself. He tells her again that they're not having an affair. She says that he was very convincing.
He asks her to not say anything to Michelle. Blanche pauses to think, and he swears on his daughter's life that he's not having an affair. She's appalled that he would bring an innocent child into this. Steve says it's over, it's finished, and Blanche says she'll think about it. |
Becky hurtles down the staircase in front of them and leaps into Steve's arms. She's a free woman! She wraps her legs around him and kisses his cheek and thanks him REPEATEDLY.
“All lies, you say?” asks Blanche. Becky assures her there's nothing going on. Steve's just been helping her out. “Well at least you've got your stories straight.” She tells him again that she'll think about it, and suggests they do the same. | |
| Blanche hobbles off, and Becky asks Steve if she's going to get him into trouble. He doesn't think so. Becky's overjoyed about the whole thing. She's so grateful. She tells him that when he was on the stand, all the stuff he was saying... he damn near had her in tears.
Steve tries to tell her something, but Detective Hooch comes down the stairs and Becky calls out to him, “Better luck next time! Loser! Looooser!” Hooch doesn't say a word, and glares at her and then walks away. |
While Becky's still yelling after him, Steve grabs her and lays QUITE a kiss on her. Her arms go limp at her sides, and when he lets her go, she looks a bit shaken, but smiles. She tells him that was nice... but they really don't have to pretend anymore. “That's good,” he says, “but I'm not pretending.” He kisses her again, this time more tenderly, and she gets into it too. | |
| Joe tells Gail and Tina that everything in the Windass' house is gone, and he has no idea where. Gail still thinks they should have called the police. Joe says they'd be in as much trouble as them if they did call. They didn't end up making any money off the deal, but at least it's all over with. David's done a couple of quotes while they were away, and if those pan out he can make enough money to replace all of his tools, and thankfully no one got hurt.
David can't believe they're going to let them get away with it, but admits he doesn't want to call the cops either. Gail doesn't like being left out of the loop, but knows a way Joe can make it up to her. He looks at her cheekily, but she tells him to get his brochures out. She's going to plan her new kitchen. |
The door of a hotel room bursts open and Becky pulls Steve in. He starts to undress her without taking his lips off hers. She pushes him down on the bed and climbs on top of him and continues to kiss him.
She sits up, out of breath, and looks around. Steve asks her what's wrong... She says that she usually doesn't do this sober... ever. She smiles at him and says that for him, she'll make an exception for him. | |
| In the Rover's, Jed asks Norris what this Mary girl is like. He says she's bright and witty and charming. Jed's surprised that she's a looker and interested in Norris. He says she appreciates his wit. Rita notices she's late, but Norris thinks fashionably so. She asks him if he's sure she exists. |
Helen and Barry thank Michelle for a fantastic day. It must have taken her hours of planning. Michelle says it was worth it just to see the looks on their faces as they came through the door. Barry asks if Steve's alright, but she's not sure. He's been a bit strange all day. Helen's barely seen him. Barry asks if they're still on for dinner tonight. Michelle smiles and says the restaurant's booked. | |
| Steve and Becky relax in bed in each other's arms. She tells him this has been the best day of her life. She knows she should feel bad because she just got away with theft, criminal damage, and assault, but she's paid for plenty of stuff she never did. This is the first time she's come out on top, and it feels good!
“Listen,” Steve starts to say, “ know what I said about you in court...?” Becky interrupts him and tells him it was brilliant. She promises him she'll never cause him any trouble every again. He tries to talk again, but she puts her finger to his lips and tells him he's a very special bloke, and no one will ever know about any of this. They can torture her and she'll never tell. She knows the score. She goes back to her life, and he goes back to his.
He sighs and gives up trying to talk to her. “Didn't you run out on a party to be here? Time you went back to the real world, Stevie-boy.” She kisses him. |
Tony comes home from work to find Carla making dinner. She's got candles set up all over the dining room and the lights are low. Tony thinks they might have sold two flats today, and she pours him a celebratory drink. He looks a bit worried. He tells her he never knows what's going on in her head, and she says that's because she's a woman of mystery. | |
| Jed tells Norris not to feel bad. He's been stood up loads of times... well he hasn't really. He's just trying to make him feel better. Norris tells him he doesn't need his sympathy. Rita reckons Mary Taylor may not even be her real name.
Norris sees a woman enter with her back turned to the bar. She turns around and Jed introduces Mary to the two of them, who sit with their mouths open. |
Liz sees Steve enter and tells him they've been worried about him. Michelle comes in all dressed for dinner. Steve tells them the doctors checked him out and he's going to be fine. She says her mum and dad are going to meet them at the restaurant, so he's got about ten minutes to get ready. He goes to get changed. | |
| Hayley tells Roy she could hardly concentrate at the youth center. All she could think about was Becky. Shouldn't she have called by now? Roy reckons maybe they won't let her call. Hayley feels like she's let her down. Maybe things would have been different if she'd been here. Roy says they should be proud that she's taken responsibility for her actions. It's a change for the better. Hayley's bummed that her life is about to shoot off in this great new direction and Becky's is going right back where it started.
Becky stomps up the stairs and dances around the room, jumping up on the sofa. She gives Hayley a big hug, but Roy eats his dinner, looking a bit apprehensive. |
As they finish up dinner, Tony tells Carla that things will still be difficult, but if these apartment sales go through, it could go a long way to help them financially.
Speaking of good news, Carla has some for Tony. She tells him to stay right where he is and she goes to fetch something out of her purse. She kneels in front of him.
“Tony Gordon...” She pulls out a small box. “Will you marry me?” He opens the box to find... an elastic band. She was trying to be spontaneous. “Well, will ya?” she asks. He puts the band on his finger, and says he will. He pulls her in for a kiss. | |
| Her good news is that she's booked them the most fantastic boutique hotel... so they can get married next week. Hearing this almost brings him to tears. She apologizes for being a “rubbish fiancĂ©e,” but she knows what she wants now, and she wants this... this rugged Scotsman.
Tears streaming down her cheeks, she asks him if he's okay, and he hugs her. He thought he'd lost her forever, and she apologizes. She just needed to get her head sorted. He asks her if she's sure about this, and she is.
He says this makes it all worthwhile. Everything he's done, all the struggles. It was all for this. They kiss. |
Norris is thrilled. Mary's asked him to come with her to meet Cliff Richard. Her mum's not up to it, and she wouldn't want to go on her own. | |
| Steve comes downstairs dressed for dinner, and Michelle whistles at him. She says she'll be ready in two minutes.
Steve looks at the bar... and sees Liz serving Blanche a drink. She's nearly got her glass filled when Blanche interrupts her. She wants Steve to serve her.
Steve takes a look at the three drinks she's ordered. That's five pounds twenty. She grins at him. “Take a close look at who you're talking to, and try that again.” He tells her it's on the house... and that this is blackmail. She grins wider. “Sue me.” |
Becky enters with Roy and Hayley and tells them both to go sit down. Drinks are on her. Steve smiles as soon as he sees her. She orders three drinks and apologizes for not being able to stop smiling. She whispers to him that she'll never forget what he's done for her today, never, “...and if ever you get fed up with that Michelle, you know where I am.” | |
| Michelle comes back downstairs, and tells Steve they better be off, and that he should cheer up. It's a celebration. Becky tells Michelle it's looks like both of them are celebrating tonight. Steve smiles at her as he leaves, and she smiles back. |
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