Steve tells Michelle he's just going to nip over to the cab offices. She's surprised he's up and about. Ten minutes ago he was snoring for all of England. She pulls him close and starts to say something about yesterday. He tries to apologize again, but she kisses him. She tells him he came through for her. Dinner was wonderful. He's really lifted every one's spirits in this tough time, especially her mum and dad.
Barry and Helen come in to find them kissing. They smile. They're going to take them out for breakfast, and they WON'T take no for an answer. | |
| Graeme comes downstairs at the Platts' house to find Gail staring at her empty kitchen. She's a bit bummed she can't make breakfast. He gives her a small camping stove which he's named “Betsy.” What SHE can't cook hasn't been invented yet.
David and Joe start to bring in pieces of their new kitchen, and when David's heard about “Betsy,” he says he'll have a word with Graeme. Gail says he'll do more than that. It's time Graeme moved on. |
Over at Underworld, Sean reckons he might be suffering post-traumatic stress after his fall off the ladder. Sally thinks it's most likely all he had to drink last night, which he swears was therapy.
Tony greets them, and comes bearing gifts, a returning Carla. They all tell her she's a sight for sore eyes, and she's a bit surprised. Sean admits that crisis DOES make the heart grow fonder. She understands there have been a few issues in her absence, and promises she'll make those her first priority. She'll touch base with them each individually throughout the day.
Sally asks if she should have Rosie come in, but Carla says there's no need. She plans on visiting her at home. Sally thinks Rosie would really appreciate that.
Before she forgets, Carla announces to everyone that they won't be calling her “Mrs. Connor” much longer. She and Tony are tying the knot next week, and every one's invited. They all cheer, but Sally looks a bit concerned. | |
| Becky's attacking her job with a bit of gusto this morning. Freedom, the best drug in the world. Roy reckons she might need a period of reflection after yesterday's ordeal, but she promises him it wasn't all bad. |
Steve, Michelle, and her parents come into the diner, and Steve and Becky smile at each other. She comes over to take their order. Michelle tells her they're all starving. Steve took them out for a posh meal last night, and you needed tweezers to eat those tiny portions. Michelle and her mum continue to give Steve a hard time, and Barry jokingly tells Steve that if he wants to leave and never come back, he'll understand. | |
| Jason lugs around heavy things at his construction job across the street, constantly staring at the front door to the diner. His mum, Eileen, comes by to hand him his lunch. He's got it bad. He wakes up in the morning and he's already thinking about Becky.
Eileen has to admit his mind isn't exactly Fort Knox when it comes to girls. She figures he should just let it go. After all Becky had to deal with yesterday, she doesn't need Jason on her case right now. He asks what happened yesterday, and she tries to change the subject.
He finally gets out of her that Becky was in court yesterday, but she assures him they dropped the case against her. She tells him that after he dumped her, she went on a bender and trashed some property. No wonder she didn't want to talk to him about it. |
Graeme puts on a show for a rather terrified Norris using slabs of meat as puppets. Ashley comes in, and Norris says he's seen enough, and he leaves. Ashley tells Graeme they're going to have to have a chat. Just then, David comes in. He needs to talk to Graeme, and it won't take long. | |
| They step outside, and Graeme knows right away that Gail wants him to move out. He says it's alright. She's been awesome. David asks where he'll live, and Graeme says he's got options.
Ashley comes out and asks him if he's okay. Not really... he's homeless and soon to be unemployed. Ashley tells him to take off his gloves. His trial-period's been a total nightmare. He's scared off all the customers. Graeme still reckons he could have been alright at it... and that's what Ashley's banking on. He shakes his hand and tells him the job's still his if he wants it. But the meat puppets end today. |
Hayley's off for her interview at the youth center. She's a big anxious about it. Roy tells her to just be herself. Allow them to see the woman he loves, eminently over-qualified, with a capacity for compassion and tenderness he's yet to experience in another human being. And if they can't see that, it's them and not her that are the fools. | |
| Breakfast is done with, and Becky brings over the check. Barry pays and gives her quite the tip. Michelle asks Steve if he's coming with them, but he says he plans on finishing his coffee and then taking care of some paperwork. She was hoping he could spend the morning with her dad, take his mind off Maria's scan today. He reluctantly says he will, of course.
She asks Becky if she could possibly do a couple hours in the Rovers' at lunchtime today, and Becky starts to say no because that's their busiest time at the diner, but Roy says they can make an exception. Michelle asks Steve if he's coming, and he looks back at Becky. She smiles, but when they've gone, she looks a bit concerned. |
It's time for Becky's shift in the pub. She steps outside and lights a fag, and Jason approaches her. He tells her she should have told him about her court case. She says it was just a misunderstanding, and they let her go. No biggie. He just wishes he could have been there for her. She appreciates the concern, but she's doing great. In fact, she's never felt better.
He just wants to be mates. She stops, and turns around to face him. They are NEVER getting back together. Jason asks if there's someone else. Down the street at the cab office, Steve sees them talking, and stops to watch. Of course not, says Becky. He nearly lost her yesterday, and didn't even know it. She tells him he HAS lost her. He wants to win her back. She asks how he intends on doing that. He's gonna get inside her head, make it so she can't stop thinking about him. She tells him it ain't gonna happen, and goes into the pub. | |
| Tina walks by the kabob shop, and sees Dev outside dumping trash. She USED to work there, but got fed up with it and left to work at the Kabin. She surprised to see Dev there, she thought he had Darryl on the payroll. He says they've had some difficulties with the rotor, but it's all under control.
He says he's not built for this kind of work. It doesn't effectively utilize his talent. He stops and looks at her. No no no she says. If it involves work and kabob shop, she's not interested. |
At Underworld, Tony's letting Carla look over the figures. Business and personal, they're about 600 grand in the red. She says it could be worse. He looks at her skeptically, and she stands up and takes his hands. He tells her he's got nothing... but she says he's got her. They're getting through this together. She playfully hopes he'll make a better husband than a business partner, or else. | |
| In the Rovers, Sally tells Kevin that the wedding's back on. Tony and Carla were thick as thieves this morning. Kevin reckons things are back to normal, but Sally thinks the whole thing is totally disgusting. Kevin admits that they don't know the full score. Sally says he saw it with his own eyes, Liam and Carla kissing. Carla's a role model to their daughter. Kevin thinks the best thing they can do with that video is bury it as deep as they can. |
Hayley's back from her interview, and she doesn't look to happy. She says things went alright until she opened her big mouth. They mentioned the need for a criminal records check, and she told them about “Wayne.” Roy says that was seven years ago, surely it can't affect their decision today. Interview are highly stressful situations, maybe she's just jumping to conclusions.
“You just don't see it do you? I can never work with children. Not ever. It's over, Roy. It's over before it even started.” | |
| Jason sneaks into the Rovers carrying... a fish. A goldfish in a bag. He tells Becky it's her new best pal. He remembered she always said she wanted one. Liz thinks it's sweet... but he's still a pig. Becky says she doesn't want it. Jason said he'd get inside her head, and this fish will remind her of him every single day. “IQ-wise especially,” jokes Liz.
Becky pulls him over to a booth and sits him down. She's flattered he's remembered, and it's a lovely gesture, but...
He says there were 175 of them, and this was the best one. He's even got her a pink tank and everything. |
Steve, Michelle, and her parents come in, and Steve stops to gawk at Becky and Jason giggling over in the booth. Michelle asks Liz what's with the fish. She explains that Jason's gotten it for Becky, and that she's apparently always wanted one. They ooh and aww about how sweet it is. He's still a pig though. That's a given.
Barry says they all make mistakes. Never mind the goldfish, it'll be gold RINGS next. “Isn't that right, Steve?”
Steve brushes it off, and Michelle tells him not to be so unromantic. Steve says he just doesn't see how winning something at the fair can make up for what Jason did. He says this loud enough so the two of them can hear.
Jason says he doesn't think it's any of Steve's business. “Bring it into my pub and you MAKE it my business.” Becky quiets them both down. She can fight her own battles. She takes the fish and glares at Steve as she leaves. | |
| Norris gleefully dances around the Kabin, and he and Tina discuss the relevance of Cliff Richard's music today. She offends him somehow, and he goes to take his break.
Dev sneaks up behind her, and BEGS her to take the job. She says she's already got one. She loves it here. He begs her for even part-time. She talks him up to seven pounds an hour plus free food. They shake on it, but she has to start tonight.
She laughs and turns up the Cliff Richard. |
Carla pays Kevin a visit in the garage. She tells him how overjoyed she was to find out Rosie was back home safe. He tells her he's very busy. Carla asks if it would be alright if she popped by their house this evening just to see how she's doing. He says today might not be such a good day, but he'll tell Rosie she was asking about her. | |
| In the diner, Becky and her fish have a staring contest. It must be a chick fish, the amount it opens it's gob. She's definitely getting a “Doris” vibe.
Steve comes in, and nervously tells her they need to talk. She asks what the hell he calls that performance with Jason earlier. The amount of times he's told her to be low-key, and then he pulls something like that. He tries to talk to her, but she interrupts him. She knows he means well, but she doesn't need him helping her anymore. She's not being ungrateful, because apart from Roy and Hayley, Steve's done more for her than anyone else in her entire life, and she'll never forget that. But she's got to move on now. She's got to be strong on her own again. He says he understands, but yesterday...
She says it was one billion percent the bestest day in her whole life. He's thrilled that it was so “magical,” but he didn't get to say everything that he wanted to say. She says his body did the talking, and he tells her to just SHUT UP for a minute. |
He motions for her to sit down. What he wanted to say... was that yesterday, all he could think about was her. She starts to tell him she knows, and he shuts her up.
He says she doesn't understand. There was no one else in his HEAD but her. She was it. She starts to get it. He'd forgotten what the felt like, and it was nice. She admits it was nice for her too. And doesn't want that feeling to go away. She stops him. They already talked about this. No they didn't, he says. She just assumed. She says she was only trying to do right by him and Michelle. He smiles. “And that's part of the reason why... I love you.” | |
| She starts to get upset and shakes her head. “You can't say stuff like that to me!” She punches him in the arm and runs over to the counter to collect herself. He apologizes, but tells her it's the truth.
She says she's only just gotten done picking herself up.
Again, he tells her he loves her. |
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