Sally and Kevin are overjoyed to have Rosie home. They still can't believe she's finally back. Kevin wonders how long she'll need to get back to her usual self, but Sally tells him to let her take her own time. Sophie comes home with a loaf of bread. She's making Rosie some toast, while Sally makes her tea. They argue over who gets to take it up to her, but Kev says to make the most of it. Rosie and Sophie will be at each others' throats soon enough. | |
| Simon's up early watching cartoons, but Peter can't seem to rouse himself. Hangover, anyone? |
Sophie's glad Rosie's back. And she's hidden a necklace in her cereal! She's bought it for Rosie with her birthday money. Sophie'd thought Rosie had just run away, and resented her for once again being the center of attention, and now she feels guilty for it. Rosie reassures her that it's okay. She's home now. | |
| Fiz is trying frantically to find out when she can come visit John down at the station, but can't find the words to describe their relationship. They say they'll call her back later. She explains to Julie how she just needs to see him the one time, to ask him all the questions she has in her head, to make sense of it all. Julie tells her Sally will come around. She'll realize Fiz had nothing to do with it. But Fiz isn't going to work today. She couldn't face all the whispering and questions. |
Ken can't believe Peter is putting off all the things he should be doing. Deciding when he and Simon are going back home, finding a school to enroll Simon in, and finding someone to watch him while he's at work. He's not the only single parent out there. | |
| Fiz drops by the Websters' to check on Rosie, but Sally won't hear it. She has better things to worry about. She can't believe Fiz had the nerve to show her face around here. |
Leann is trying to psych her step-mom Janice up for her court date. The two stole 200,000 pounds worth of lottery money that belonged to the girls at Underworld and took out a fake bank account in Rosie's name to hide it. Janice turned herself in when Rosie went missing because she felt so guilty, but took all the blame, and left Leann out of it. Janice worries she looks like she's dressed for a funeral. | |
| The girls (yes, I'm counting Sean as one of the girls) at Underworld are discussing the latest Rosie gossip, most of it untrue. Kelly and Sean wonder if Fiz could have been involved, but Julie tells them off. All she knows is Fiz has had her heart broken. Janice arrives for work, and gets the usual glares and sharp remarks from the girls. “Where's the funeral?” asks Sean. |
Sally finds some of the clothes John gave Rosie to wear in the wash, and Kevin reckons they should burn it all. But Rosie seems to defend John. She says there wasn't anything pervy about it. He only brought her what she needed. She says he wasn't mad, just lost and desperate. All he ever talked about was Fiz. He knew that when Rosie came home, that would be the end for him and Fiz. Sally seems to be interested in this last bit. Feeling guilty yet, Sally? | |
| Tony and his accountant are talking numbers. He's not doing too well. He's up to his neck in debt. No one has bought any of his new flats yet, but they have an interested buyer coming around this afternoon. If he can just unload four flats, he'll be in the clear. Tony's going to be there himself to do some hard selling. Sean pops in to say that Sally's texted and she won't be in today. This is the first news Tony's heard of Rosie being home. Tony's out of the office in a flash. |
Auntie Pam is berating Tyrone with wedding choices once again. This time it's about the colour of the horses for their horse-drawn carriage. Tyrone's been doing some shifty after-hours sales with her so they can earn enough to give Molly the wedding of her dreams. And they're keeping Molly in the dark. Just then, the bride-to-be stops by, but Tyrone can't get away from work with Kevin out. She feels like she never gets time alone with him lately. | |
| Tony swings by the Websters' with a massive bouquet for Rosie, and they invite him in. |
Hung over Peter is being father of the year again, as Ashley and his son stop over for a quick game of football. He and Ken take the boys outside, and Ken suggests Peter uses the time to put some calls into schools and social services. Peter looks less than thrilled. | |
| Tony and Rosie make small talk. She's glad she hasn't missed the wedding, which has been put off while Carla's out of town. As soon as Sally's out of ear-shot, he gets down to business. Rosie still has the video of Liam and Carla kissing that she used to try to blackmail Tony. He wants to know if she's told anyone about it yet. He's “just thinking of Maria." She says the only copy she had was on her mobile, which Tony still has. But he's already chucked it to be rid of the video forever. He offers to replace the phone, any model she wants. And she can have as much time off as she needs, at full pay. All she has to do is keep a simple secret. Guess what. Sally's eavesdropping. |
Janice and Leann are off to court, and the girls are still giving her shit. It's not the amount of money she took. What hurts is that her friends mean nothing to her. Tony asks Leann if she's heard from Carla, because he keeps trying to ring her, and all he gets is her voicemail. Leann assures him that she's fine, and that it must just be dodgy reception. It can't be that she doesn't want to talk to him, SURELY. ;-) Tony needs Leann to help him show the buyer around the flats, because that's well... her job, but she needs to be there for Jan in court. Better luck next time, Tony. | |
| Sally and Rosie sit down for lunch, and Sally asks what she and Tony were talking about. Things seemed pretty intense. The day Rosie went missing, she'd been at a hotel with Tony, and she thinks that's what it's about. To shut her up, Rosie tells her the truth about the video of Carla and Liam. She says if she needs proof, she can check her computer at work, under the file “Rosie's Insurance.” |
Blanche lays into Peter and tells him to stop feeling sorry for himself, get off his backside, and take care of his son. After she leaves the room, he makes a call. | |
| Auntie Pam runs up out of breath to tell Tyrone and Molly that they've got reservations for 7:30 sharp at the fanciest restaurant in town.. for free. She won't explain to them how or why. They're excited but understandably apprehensive. |
D.C. Timmons pays Fiz a visit, and is invited in. | |
| Tony's perspective buyer says his flats are a bit overpriced. He tries to talk him down a bit, but Tony won't have it. If he won't pay the asking price, he shouldn't bother. |
Fiz is lead out in tears, and taken away by the police. Julie yells after them that she's had nothing to do with it. Sean mentions to Sally that she must have been in on it all along. Sally looks worried. Maybe she DOES have a soul. Halfway point, folks! Go grab a drink, and get ready for some more. | |
| D.C. Timmons sits Fiz down at the station as they wait for her colleague to arrive before beginning their questioning. |
The girls CONTINUE to gossip about everything under the sun until Sally shows up to “grab a few bits and bobs for Rosie.” After making sure Tony's out, she heads straight for Rosie's computer. | |
| Ashley gives Peter a little fatherly advice in the... wait for it... PUB! |
Super-spy Sally copies the folder “Rosie's Insurance” to a memory stick. Just as she deletes the folder, Tony returns, and she makes her exit. | |
| The questioning of Fiz has begun. How long had she and John been together? When the affair between John and Rosie take place? Does she harbor any resentment toward Rosie? Fiz tells them how she did at first, but she's moved on now. |
Sally returns home with the news that Fiz has been arrested. Rosie's shocked. She's told the police she had nothing to do with it. Sally argues that Rosie was locked up the whole time, and she only knows what John chose to tell her. Sally says they should just let things play out. Rosie plays them the video of Liam and Carla. Kevin and Sally thinks it's nice that he's going out of his way to protect Maria from seeing it. Kevin suggests they get rid of the video, but it doesn't look like Rosie agrees. |
| Maria walks into Streetcars, and tells Lloyd she needs to get down to the police station to show some support for Fiz. What a good friend. :-) |
Fiz tells the police how sweet John has always been to her, and that she never knew she had any of this in him. They thank her for her time, and tell her that John will most likely be going to prison. Fiz, in tears, asks if she can see him, just for a minute. They'll give her a call. |
Ken is thrilled when he gets a call from a local primary school. It looks like Peter's gotten Simon enrolled. They thought Peter was planning on moving them back to Portsmouth where he lives, but they're just glad to see he's making an effort. Hmm... the plot thickens. |
Maria and Lloyd wait outside the station for them to release Fiz. Fiz is thrilled to see her best friend, but says Maria shouldn't be worried about her. She's got enough troubles of her own. They take Fiz home. | |
| A chipper Janice and Leann walk arm in arm down the street. Good news from the judge I'm assuming? |
While exiting the Rover's, Peter bumps into Maria, and tries to apologize for something that happened between them last time he was in town. She tells him off, and tells him the whole world doesn't revolve around him. Jan and Leann save him from her and pull him back into the pub to explain why Maria's got a bee in her bonnet. | |
| Ty looks fly, and Molly looks GORGEOUS as they get ready to go out to dinner. Just then Pam shows up... She's going with them?? O_O |
Peter is shocked to hear of Liam's death. I guess he and Maria have both been left to bring up a kid on their own. |
| A cute as hell waiter delivers their menus. Tyrone feels out of place, like his flies undone, or he might suddenly yell "BUM!" Molly's shocked by the prices. Auntie Pam suggests they chill out and order a bottle of wine. She suggests a nice "dom... dom perign... dom perigndoodaa." |
Maria tells Fiz to stop fretting about John. He doesn't deserve it. Julie suggests she get away for a while, like going to South Africa with Kirk and Chesney. Fiz says she couldn't. It would look like she was running away. Julie says she wishes she had her fondue set. There aren't many problems that can't be solved with a marshmallow dipped in chocolate. While Fiz takes a call, Maria tells Julie she should stop making jokes. She's not making jokes. “Chocolate has feel good chemicals, and that's a medical fact.” The police are going to let Fiz see John, and Maria is shocked that she'd want to see him. Fiz tells her that she just needs some closure. She needs to make some sense out of what he's done. | |
| Jan downs her beer, and she and Leann make their way over to the girls. They're disappointed that she got off with just a slap on the wrist. They're being REALLY harsh. Janice can hardly keep it together, and runs for the ladies room. |
Leann and Dan give each other nasty looks at the bar. He dumped her a couple weeks ago after discovering out they'd stolen the lottery money. Kelly runs into his arms, and Peter says he better be getting off. | |
Over in the corner, Tony's accountant turns a blind eye as Tony forges Carla's signature on a check to transfer some funds from the Underworld account to the property account just to keep things afloat. |
The restaurant manager comes to the table to ask how dinner was... and how many people they were thinking about having at their reception. For some reason, she thinks they're planning on having their wedding reception here, somewhere they couldn't dream of affording. Tyrone and Molly are furious that Auntie Pam lied to get them a free meal. Molly runs off, embarassed, and Pam tells the manager thanks for the dinner, but the wedding's off. | |
Peter's packing his things. He tells Ken he's not cut out to be a dad, and he's leaving. Blanche tells him that children can sense when their not wanted. Ken is furious and tells him that whether Peter stays or goes, Simon will be going with him. |
The Websters sit down for a happy family dinner, and Sally has to step out of the room because she's crying. She never thought it would be like this again. All of them, together. | |
![]() ![]() | John thanks Fiz for coming to see him. But she's not there for him. She's there for herself. The thing she really needs to know is, how far would he have taken it. He swears that the day she found out was the day he was going to release Rosie. He knew that they were over. The last five weeks have been the happiest of his life. Fiz is the love of his life. Fiz asks if she would have proposed to him, what would he have done then? Would he have killed Rosie so he could live his life the way he wanted to, with Fiz? She stands up the leave, and he asks her not to go, not yet. She tells John she loves him. She really loves him. (Present tense!) He tells her that maybe if she could just forgive him, in time, that's something that they could build on. She says no. She needs to take care of herself. She needs to make sure he doesn't hurt her again. He begs for another chance, but she's out the door. |
Outside the police station, Fiz breaks down and cries. | ![]() |
1 comment:
still hate sally. and fiz needs to be my best friend or my sister. and sophie is actually adorable. and even though i hate rosie i feel bad for her :(
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