Part One |
Written by Carmel Morgan | Directed by Jerry Smith |
Our episode opens with Joe paying Gail a visit, and the two of them trying to call Tina downstairs. Gail's called for her twice already, but gotten no response.
From the kitchen, Graeme says he's seen this on TV. They've got some adjusting to do. Joe thinks they've got some growing up to do. | |
| Ken tells Peter that finding an apartment isn't going to solve all of his child-care woes. Running his own business and taking care of his son all on his own sure isn't going to be easy. Peter doesn't need this, and takes off, not forgetting to slam the door on his way out. |
At last, David and Tina surface for the morning, but don't have a word for either of their parents. Gail tells them she and Joe didn't enjoy sneaking around. The kids are most upset about the lying. David says he'll have to find a new job, and a flat to themselves.
“Oh, come on!” says Joe. “Anybody'd think we were mass murderers. We've only fallen in love!” This is too much information for David and Tina, as they storm out. | |
| Dev and Tara roll out of bed late as well, TOO late for Tara. She's late for a meeting with a very important client. His daughter, Amber, averts her eyes as they kiss goodbye. She tells him he's going to have to do some smooth talking to Tara's dad if he wants to keep her this time. She suggests he tackle things head-on. That's what he'd tell her to do. But what he'd tell her and what HE'D do are two completely different things. “That's not hypocrisy, that's called parenting.”
He once again assures her that she will not be seeing her boyfriend Darryl Morton anymore. He caught the two of them in bed recently, and thinks Darryl's a waste of space, not good enough for his daughter. |
On her way off to work, Tina and Joe pass David shooting hoops. She tells him they'll talk about this later, but David gives her lip. Joe kisses her goodbye and says he'll have a word with him.
He grabs the ball from David, and backs him up against the wall. David's got so many good things in his life. Tina's one, Joe's another. He's got the best mum he could ever have, and now he resents her being happy after all she's done for him? He's better than this.
He hands David his ball and leaves. Looks like David might actually respect him for that. | |
| At Underworld, Tony thanks the girls for keeping their faith in him as he hands out their 150 pound checks. Given that they will eventually receive their full back-pay, he'd appreciate it if they “stop yakking and start stitching.” Julie asks when they might expect that check, and he informs her that we ARE in a global economic downturn.
Kelly continues to make a show of agreeing with him, but when she tries to follow him into his office, he shuts the door in her face. |
Joe's parked outside the Kabin, waiting for Tina to come outside from work. He tells her that he and Gail both hated the secrecy. He describes to her his love for Gail, and says that they didn't want their relationship to affect their children's. They've spent most of their time together talking about her and David, whether they should tell them, and when.
He tells Tina that after she'd told Gail that she ended up hating every woman that went out with her father, Gail tried to break things off with him. No one's died, no one's got cancer, he's just fallen in love with her boyfriend's mum.
She says he'd promised her no more secrets. But this is different. Why can't all four of them be happy? She'll always be his number one. | |
| Dan asks if Peter can man the bookies while he's gone on holiday. Peter says he needs the money, and agrees. |
Gail comes on her lunch break, and Graeme gives them some space to talk. David doesn't want to talk about it. She thinks the world of Joe. She loves him. He makes her laugh and makes her feel safe. He makes her look forward to the day ahead. David agrees she has been happier lately.
She tells him that if he's really that upset about the situation, she'll end things with Joe. Only for him. They've been through a lot together, and she wouldn't jeopardize that for any man. | |
| Joe's on the phone with the Windasses again, and they're STILL not happy with their kitchen. He's sorted every snag they've come up with, and they have to pay up TODAY. He tells David he needs that seven grand. Every penny of it's spoken for. David hops in the van and asks what they're waiting for. |
Darryl and Graeme are hanging out at Dev's shop, while Amber gives him some tips on what the talk about with her dad to get him to like him. She says Dev doesn't hate him, he's just overprotective. She's introduced to Graeme. “Wait, are you Graeme Graeme? Arson Graeme?”
Dev returns to the shop, and Darryl tries and fails miserably to have a conversation with him. He tells his daughter he's off to see Prem, and she wishes him luck.
Amber is embarresed by Darryl's attempt to win her dad over, and suggests he put together some of his accounting figures from his failing kabob take-away shop, and ask Dev for some advice. The take-away used to be owned and run by Darryl's dad, but he moved with the rest of his kids to another country, and Darryl's been running the shop on his own. | |
| The girls feel like they're being taken advantage of. They agree to wait until Roy's wife Hayley gets back from Africa to make another confrontation. She usually looks after the whole team.
A local journalist stops by asking questions about Rosie. She's very persistent. The girls try to get rid of her. Just then Tony shows up, and asserts his authority. Before leaving, she says she's ten times more curious than she was before. |
Dev rings the doorbell and waits nervously outside Prem's house. He asks Prem to just hear him out, but Prem only lets him as far as the foyer.
Dev once again apologizes for betraying Prem's trust and kindness by having an affair with his wife. He loves his daughter. She makes him a better man. Prem doesn't believe he could love anyone but himself, but Dev assures him this time will be different. He'll treat Tara as she deserves to be treated. | |
| Unfortunately, we get to meet the Windass family for the first time. Mr. Windass is stooped over on a pair of crutches. He and his wife point out every little reason they shouldn't pay Joe for their fully remodeled kitchen. They're really reaching.
Joe says they've fitted the kitchen they ordered, and now it's time to pay up. If they'd like any changes, he's happy to make them, AFTER they've paid him the seven grand he's owed. David defends him. “He's not a registered charity. He's running a business!”
They leave in frustration, and the Windasses look pleased. |
Ken and Simon return from taking the dog for a walk, and Peter happily scoops his son up in his arms. Ken takes Simon from him so he doesn't breathe in any of Peter's “fumes.”
Dan's said he and Simon can move into the bookies flat today. Ken doesn't look pleased, but assures him he and Deirdre will help out whenever they can. He's trying to be TOO helpful, and it's getting on Peter's nerves. Ken just doesn't want them drifting apart, especially when he and Simon will be living just across the street. Peter's upset that Ken never showed this much interest when he and his sister were Simon's age. | |
| Out in the van, Joe's depressed. David suggests he sue the Windasses. Surely, he's playing up the cripple act. Joe says that by the time it had gone to court, he'll have gone under. That seven grand was all that stood between him and bankruptcy. He'd had twelve contracts lined up, but that housing development was scrapped. Without this money, he'll lose his business, his house, and the woman he loves.
David asks Joe to give him a minute. He's got to phone his mate about plans they've got tonight. |
David sneaks around the back of the Windass' house, and sees Mrs. Windass through an open door, making lunch in the kitchen. He grabs a crowbar from a box outside and bursts through the doorway.
Mrs. Windass yells for her husband, Eddie, who comes from the other room, and orders David to leave. David congratulates him on his miracle recovery. The crutches are gone, and he's standing up fine. She admits that he has good days and bad, and that money's a bit tight at the moment, but Eddie tells her to shut it.
David starts smashing dishes off the counter with his crow bar. “Seven thousand pounds. Deal, or no deal.” | |
Part Two |
Written by David Bowker | Directed by Jerry Smith |
| David comes tearing down the Windasses' front path, dropping his crowbar. Another young man watches him run past, then runs to the house yelling for his mum and dad.
David jumps in the van and orders Joe to move it! He produces a massive wad of cash from his pocket, and Joe spits out his tea, struggling to get the van into gear. The Windass' son chases the van down the road, but they get away. He pulls out his mobile. |
Still standing in the foyer at Prem's, Dev continues to try to convince him that he loves Tara absolutely, and has every reason to believe she feels the same way. He's not asking for his blessing. Prem tells him to get out. Before Dev will leave, he wants to know one thing. Has he ever seen his daughter so happy?
“For my daughter's sake, and her sake only, I will let this relationship continue. You and I are not friends, nor are we ever likely to be. I think you've behaved appallingly. I'll make sure Nina says nothing to Tara. In the meantime, make sure YOU honor my daughter. She's been hurt before. I don't want her hurt again!”
Dev thanks him and tells him he's been an amazingly generous man. Prem asks Dev to stop all this dreadful crawling. “It's quite revolting.” | |
| Dan's talking to someone on the phone, telling them he's just about ready to go. Kelly runs up to him and tells him she just has to pick up some money she's owed and she's all his. |
Back on the street, Joe tells David what he did was wrong. Anything like that scares the life out of him. David laughs and says he was scared too. He just couldn't stand by and watch someone treat Joe like that. He knows he needed the money, and to be honest, he quite likes having him around. So does his mum. It's nice to see.
Joe's point is that if customers get the idea this is how they do things, they'll be out of business. He hands him a nice wad of cash and tells him to go treat himself, on the condition he never pulls a stunt like that again. David doesn't think his heart could stand it. Joe asks him not to tell Gail and Tina they've had money troubles. | |
| Tony's talking to someone on the phone, telling them they'll have their money first thing in the morning. "You know how banks are."
Leann pounds on the door to his office, and comes right in. She's just sold a flat! Full asking price! They're overjoyed.
Kelly waits outside the door, and after Leann's left, she asks Tony for the other 150 he promised her. He says she'll be paid in full on Monday. He knows she's leaving on her holiday, but until Monday, he's in the same boat as her. |
David gives Graeme a detailed recounting of what happened that morning, and they both try and fail to do their best menacing stare. | |
| Just down the street, the Windass' son and another bloke are cruising the street looking for that “evil scum.” |
Kelly runs into the bookies to tell Dan she didn't get the money she was owed, and wondered if he could “borrow” her some money. He tells her they'll talk about it later, and she leaves, all smiles. | |
| Graeme tells David about his supermodel fantasies, and about the type of girl he wants. He'd love to have Kate Moss, but she lives in London. It's a five hour bus journey. That wouldn't work.
He asks David to tell him about what happened this morning... for the third time, and only now learns it was the Windasses that David threatened. He knows of them, and they're not the kind of people you mess with. |
Amber tries to give Darryl a few more pointers on getting in her dad's good graces. “To summarize, to get your dad to like me, I've got to look and act completely different?” By George, I think he's got it. | |
| Dan's finished packing his stuff in the car, and wishes Peter luck. He'll send for the rest of his stuff once he's sorted. He can't wait to be rid of this place. The street is starting to get to him. Too many losers for his liking. “Speaking of which...”
Kelly runs up with her hot pink suit case. He informs her that he's considered her generous offer to accompany him on holiday while sponging off him, and he's decided to turn it down. He likes her, but he's trying to economize. Plus he's got a mate who can pay his own way.
She tells him he shouldn't expect her to wait for him to come back, and he lets her know he won't be coming back. He goes to leave and she begins to beat him over the head with her purse. Leann and Peter watch from the sidewalk. Leann's quite enjoying this, especially the part where Kelly tells Dan he's no good in bed. Kelly pulls off her boot and chucks it at his car as he drives away.
Leann and Peter applaud as Kelly makes her exit across a wet street hobbling on one boot and trailing her suitcase behind her. |
Dev takes a break from stocking, and starts to dial Tara's number, but she sneaks into the shop and surprises him. He asks her out to dinner tonight, but she's driving down to London to pick up some stuff from her old flat. There will be many many other nights, she promises.
Just then, a Barry White song comes on the radio and they start to make out. Amber and Darryl interrupt the two lovebirds, and Tara says she'll call him tonight. Amber asks if he would look at Darryl's accounts, and help him streamline his business. Dev's in an incredible mood and is glad to help. | |
| David tells Graeme he must have the wrong family. There was nothing scary about Eddie. Graeme tells him Eddie's not so bad. His son Gary is a maniac, and HIS uncle, Len, is even worse.
Graeme's mate had an ice cream van, and ignored the Windasses when they told him not to play his jingle when he passed their house. Len and Gary hijacked his van and took him for a ride. He never found out what happened, but his mate sold the van and now he never leaves the house. If he were David, he'd put the money in a envelope, feed it through their letterbox, and run. David says he's not afraid of lying, cheating lowlives. |
In an alley somewhere in town, Len Windass asks his nephew how big this guy was that threatened his parents. He tells him he was a teenager... armed with a stick. Len calls Gary a wuss. | |
| Dev doesn't understand Darryl's accounting, and all Darryl can do is make jokes. He thinks it's pathetic. This is why his business is failing. Darryl knows things were going better when his dad was around, but on his own it's just gotten really really hard.
Dev says he'll do him a favor. If he'll leave the books, he'll go through the figures and see if he can find what's wrong. “Nobody knows more about running a small business than I do, Darren, nobody.” After getting Darryl's name wrong, he gives him some money, and tells him to take his daughter out somewhere nice. “And son,” he says after playfully slapping him in the face, “Call me Dev.” |
Peter shows Simon his new business, and tries to explain to him what gambling is. Leann walks in, and Peter suggests that he and Simon invite her up for a bite to eat. | |
| Amber is amazed how well things went with her dad. Darryl swallowed his pride and asked for help. She thinks he'll respect him for that. She kisses him on the cheek. |
In the back of his shop, Dev gives Darryl's dad a call. “Jerry, baby! Now, listen. I might have a proposition for you.” | |
| Peter's got them all fish and chips and mushy peas, but can't find the plates. Leann shows him where the plates are, and all the silverware. She knows her way around “in depressing detail.” She shows them a stain where she'd thrown a bottle of wine at Dan's head, missed, and hit the wall.
She busts out of a bottle of scotch which belonged to “Dan, Dan, the let-down man. Sold his shop and away he ran.” He was saving it for a special occasion. I guess his moving out is as good a day as any. She asks if Peter wants some. Not now. “Maybe later?” she asks. |
Tony's alone at home cooking dinner for himself and drinking some wine. He dials Carla again, and gets her voice mail. He's got some exciting news he wants to share with her. He's also quite keen to know when she's coming back. He misses her. | |
| Leann and Simon discuss their favorite superheroes. Peter tells him he's a super hero. When he's awake, he's this amazing daddy with the superpower to look after him all day long. But then when he's asleep, he turns back into ordinary Peter Barlow, who can do nothing but snore. He offers Leann the job of his stunning sidekick. They flirt back and forth, and she can't decide whether to accept or not. He lets her think about it while he takes Simon off to bed.
While he's gone, Leann gets out a single glass and pours some scotch, leaving the bottle and the glass on the table. She grabs her purse, looks around the room, smiling, and makes her exit. |
Joe pulls up alongside Gail in his van, looking cheerful, and embraces her. He invites her away for a few day holiday, and assures her he can afford it. He tells her David's a good lad, and they have a laugh when she looks surprised. | |
| Down the street, Gary explains to his Uncle that Joe's the joker that sold them their kitchen, the kid's boss. Len tells him they'll have to wait until there aren't any witnesses.
“He's laughing, see? He won't have much to laugh about by the time we've finished with him.” |
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