Fiz and Sally both leave their houses for work at the same time, on opposite sides of the street. Fiz says “Morning!”, but Sally ignores her. She runs across the street to Sally and asks if it's going to be like this between them now. Sally apologizes for accusing her of being involved. She should wait for all the facts before jumping to any conclusions. Fiz accepts her apology. | |
| As they approach the entrance to Underworld, Kelly's already going on to Julie about her holiday with Dan. Natasha is on the phone with her bank, and finds out that she still hasn't been paid. |
Blanche tells Ken they need to set up some sort of system for taking care of Simon now that he's theirs to raise. Ken says he'll take most of the responsibility since it was his idea. Peter's up bright and early this morning. He's got business to attend to, but won't tell them what it is. “Devil's business,” says Blanche. “You mark my words.” | |
| Joe's come to pick up David for work, but he's not ready yet. That gives him and Gail just enough time for a quick smooch. She warns that all three of the kids are right upstairs. Since it's Gail's afternoon off, he suggests he cut his workday short too. Soon as he and David are done making some adjustments to the Windasses' kitchen, they can sneak off to lunch. David comes down the stairs and JUST misses seeing them with their arms around each other. |
Kelly's bank says she hasn't been paid either. That makes all of them. Julie gets the girls on their feet and marches them straight into Tony's office. He tells them there's been a “cash flow problem.” Just another excuse. A different one than he used yesterday. Julie says that until they've been paid, they're withdrawing their labor, and shuttles the girls back out the door. Fiz receives a phone call from her mum in South Africa. Sounds like there's a problem. | |
| Peter's seeing a lawyer who informs him that his late ex-wife has left everything to him. The whole lot. Proceeds from the sale of her house, and from the sale of her business, a flower shop. It should come to around 250 thousand quid. She's left him all this on the understanding that he'll look after his son. It's not a condition of the will, as they can't monitor how he spends the money, but the lawyer assumes he intends to do the right thing by his son. “Oh, absolutely,” says Peter. |
Fiz walks back into an empty Underworld to ask Tony a favor. She needs to take some more time off. There's been a family crisis in South Africa. Tony tells her she can take as much time off as she needs, though she won't be paid for it, and he can't guarantee she'll have a job when she gets back. She says she'll have to take that risk. | |
| Eileen's buying something at Dev's and is in a playful mood. She grabs the pricing gun out of his hand and starts to put pricing stickers all over Dev's clothes and face! Dev's ex-girlfriend, Tara, walks in, and Eileen awkwardly excuses herself. Dev's just broken up with Tara because HER father found out that he'd had a lengthy affair with his WIFE before he'd set Dev up with his daughter. He demanded Dev break up with his daughter, and Dev agreed, on the condition Tara didn't find out about his affair with her mother. Tara's heartbroken. She doesn't understand why Dev's done this. He won't answer any of her calls, she spends every day in tears thinking about him, and then finds him in hysterics with another woman. Dev assures her that Eileen is just a friend. She asks him for the real reason he's finished with her. |
Joe and David are done with the Windasses' kitchen, and Joe says he's got some things to do on his afternoon off. David tells him “Don't leave her waiting on my account.” Oh, David. If you only knew how right you were. | |
| Back at Dev's apartment, he and Tara are arguing back and forth about why they split up. He tries to tell her it wouldn't have worked. All relationships end in pain, why wait. She asks if there's someone else. He says no, and it's the first thing he's said that she actually believes. She thinks it might have something to do with her father. One minute, Dev's his golden boy, and now he never sees him. She suggests maybe Dev was using her to get to her father. She just doesn't understand. She was happier with him than she's ever been in her entire life, and she thought he was too. There's something he's not telling her. She asks if he still likes her. He says he's crazy about her. She asks for one good reason why they shouldn't be together. They kiss, passionately |
Peter walks into the bookies and asks Dan if the place is still on the market. Dan's looking for a quick sale, but doesn't think Peter's got the money. Peter asks to look over his books. | |
| Over lunch, David and Tina discuss how picky the Windasses were about all the little things in their kitchen, and Tina asks if David really thinks her dad's gone on a date. David says he was just winding him up. He suggests they go eat their chips in his new car, which is still hidden in the garage, and she grudgingly agrees. |
Ken and Liz lead their grandchildren, Simon and Amy, hand in hand down the street. Ken and Liz aren't related, but their grandchildren are cousins. It's the cutest picture ever. Peter walks out of the bookies and greets the children. He says he'll take Simon to the park for an ice cream and a play on the swings. | |
| David and Tina sit in his car... in the garage, blasting music. He marvels at the car's sexiness. She says it's a pity he can't drive it because it's nicked and he's not insured. He revs up the engine. |
Kelly returns to Underworld to get a few things out of her locker, and runs into Tony sitting alone in the empty factory. He tells her he can't give them the whole two-weeks pay just yet, but if she'll come back to work today, he can get her 150 pounds to tide her over. If she can talk all the girls into coming back, he'll double it for her. 300 pounds, some spending money for her holiday. She agrees, but says he has to keep it quiet. He tells her to go back to the pub, act dumb, and he'll be over in five. He makes a call to his bank, and asks them to transfer some money from his and Carla's joint account into his personal account. | |
| Gail and Joe return from lunch, each with a half a bottle of wine in them. He says he can't drive home quite yet, and she goes ahead to make sure David's not home. |
Tony finds the girls at the pub. He tells them he'll take money out of his personal bank account to tide them over. He offers 100, and Julie refuses, so he ups it to 150. Kelly puts on a show of liking his offer. The girls agree. | |
| Ken and Blanche don't know what to make of Peter taking Simon to the park. Could he have had a change of heart? Dan enters the pub and gives him a box. Just a few bits and bobs to do with the business. They're surprised to hear Peter's bought the bookies. |
David and Tina tear around the corner in his car at top speed, music blaring. Graeme runs up in hysterics. He can't believe they've taken it out! He's nicked it from his mum's mate while she was on holiday, and now she's come home and reported it missing. David asks when he gets his money back. Slight problem-o there. | |
| Gail brings some coffee to the living room, but Joe pushes it aside and takes her right there on the couch. |
Peter promises Simon lots more trips to the park. They both look happy. Ken and Blanche return home, and are thrilled to hear Peter's staying in Weatherfield. They ask where he's gotten the money from, and he tells them about the will. “She's left you all her money to bring up her son, and you blew it straight on the bookies??” | |
| After hididng the car back in the garage, Graeme admits he can't get all of David's 300 quid back to him. But that's the least of their problems. The kids open the door to find their parents all over each other. They're disgusted! Tina says this is what they joke about, the two of them together. It wasn't actually supposed to happen! She asks if her dad ever planned on telling her about his cozy little set-up, or was hiding it part of the fun? |
Peter's upset because Ken's not happy either way. He gives up his son, he's a rat bag, he wants to keep him, he's no better. Ken DOES want him to stay, but for the right reasons. Peter says he's investing in the business to provide for Simon's future. Ken thinks he's only here now because of the money. Peter says if that's all he thinks of him, he can sort somewhere out for he and Simon to stay, and then they'll be out of his life for good. | |
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