We open at John Stape's Gran's house in the country. Fiz has just learned that John has had Rosie locked in the attic for the last four weeks. Rosie has bashed John over the head with a table leg and dashed down the stairs and out of the house. Fiz has taken off after her. Rosie's delirious from a recent bump on the head, and tries to hold Fiz off a tree limb until Fiz reassures her that she'd only just found out what John had done, and wanted to help her. Rosie begins to sob and collapses into Fiz's arms. Fiz whips out her mobile and calls for the police... and an ambulence. |
| Back at the Webster house, it's a not so happy birthday for Rosie's sister Sophie. She's got a couple cards from friends and her parents, but her parents didn't get around to getting her a present, so it's just cash for her birthday, AND her mum's forgotten to take the price off the card. The phone rings. It's Rosie! She's okay!! |
Kirk and Julie have come back empty handed after searching high and low for Maria's lost doggie, Ozzy. They try to ease her worrying, but Ozzy was Liam's dog. He's all she has left of him. She feels guilty for thinking Liam might have been having an affair with Carla. But Tony's set her straight... or so she thinks. There's a knock at the door. It's Liam's cousin Tom, and he's found Ozzy! “Come on stud, let's get you a drinky,” Maria says to Ozzy. “Cup of tea'd be great, thanks,” smirks Tom. Maria smiles for the first time since Liam's death. Do I sense a bit of chemistry? |
| Back at the creepy cottage, Rosie's worried she may have killed John when she hit him. But Fiz says not to worry, the police will sort him out. John stumbles out of the house. He tries to talk to Fiz, but she grabs the same tree limb Rosie had and holds John off with it. ”Take one more step, and I swear to God, I won't be responsible!!” “You wouldn't hurt me.” “After this lot, try me.” John hears sirens, and is shocked Fiz would call the police on him. He "did this for them." He just wants to hear her say she doesn't hate him, but she can't speak. The police arrive and Rosie runs to safety. |
Simon, the cutest little boy in the world is busy watching his favorite show, Postman Pat, but Blanche has a few things to teach him about a real world postman. Always late, sloppy, and riffling through your birthday cards for ready cash. I'm never leaving her with MY kids. Peter, Simon's father shows up late, as usual. Ken suggests they get some fireworks to light off tonight, since it's Guy Fawkes night. Peter's going to “nip into town” to get some. Ken's thrilled he's making an effort, but Blanche isn't convinced. |
Everyone at the cottage is giving their statements, when Rosie's parents roll up, she runs into their arms. Sally thought she'd lost her daughter. Can't get rid of her that easy. |
Maria and Tom have a talk about her reading into Liam and Carla's relationship. Tom explains to her how he went behind Liam's back to bring Carla into their business, and that Liam was furious. Liam knew Maria would only be angry about the situation, and that's why he kept it from her. Maria feels better. Ignorance is bliss, eh? |
Kevin Webster is trying to wrap his head around the fact that John Stape came to them, making it appear that he wanted to help, when all he was really doing with covering his tracks. This is the last time. He's going to make sure of it. Fiz approaches Sally in tears to apoligize. To explain to her she had no idea this was going on. Sally is a bitch, and won't hear any of it. When Fiz tells her she was the one who called the police, Sally is appalled that she “expects her to be grateful” after all she's put them through. Poor Fiz! |
Half-way point! That sleezeball Detective Hooch has rolled into the Rover's again. Here's the story on him. When she was a teenager, he nicked Becky for shoplifting or summat, and when he had her in the back of the cop car, he put his hands where they didn't belong. Becky reported him, but the charges were dropped. Even after all these years though, he hasn't been promoted. He's being help back because of Becky. Now he's getting his revenge. Becky was arrested recently for assault, vandalism, and theft while intoxicated. She's only responsible for some of that. But she got off because Steve claimed they were together that night, because they're still having an affair. They're not. It was a one night stand months ago. Hooch suspects they're lying, and he comes round every night just to make them squirm. Michelle arrives with her bandmate J.D., and Steve makes the usual petty, jealous remarks. J.D. Makes a pass at Becky, who just hours ago had been all over him. But with Hooch here, she has to make it seem like Steve's the only man for her. She blows J.D. Off, and everyone's confused. Everyone but Hooch, who watches from across the bar, scheming. |
Rosie has a happy homecoming and is greeted by her sister and granddad. Sean watches from across the street, mouth agape. The detectives take Rosie inside to interview her. |
Fireworks can be heard as Ken tries to teach Simon about the historical significance of Guy Fawkes Night, but it's usually his bedtime by now. Where IS his dad with those fireworks. They go outside to light a couple Ken had stashed away while they wait. |
| Kirk, Julie, and Chez are getting ready to go watch the fireworks when Fiz comes home in tears. She can't go out, not after the day she's just had. |
Becky gets a little too close to Steve for comfort as Hooch is still watching. He warns them not to book a vacation any time soon. Their court date is coming up. |
| The elder Websters sit downstairs discussing the day's events as the police question Rosie in private. Sally decides to let Rosie tell them in her own time if John did anything to her. The police tell them once John's out of hospital, he'll remain in custody until they've finish questioning him. From what Rosie's told them, hopefully they'll be able to charge him with the “appropriate offenses.” Rosie feels (and looks) awfully scuzzy. She's off for a bath... after a few much-needed hugs. |
It's well past Simon's bedtime, but Ken's going to let him stay up just to finish what fireworks he had stashed away. Just then, his father shows up STINKING of booze, with two huge boxes of fireworks. He got “delayed”, and the jackass brought home display fireworks. Great to set off in a small alley, wouldn't you say? Peter's had enough of this ridicule. He takes off, and leaves his son in grandpa's capable hands. |
| Maria's sat at home in the dark. Ozzy in her lap, and tissues at her side. She's a MESS. She's SO lonely. |
John's led down a hallway to a tiny cell, door closed, little slot window closed. After keeping Rosie locked up for five weeks, what could be more fitting? |
| Julie brings Fiz a cup of tea out back while she watches the fireworks. They stayed home to be with Fiz, but she just needs to be alone right now. |
Sally tucks Rosie into bed, and she promises her that John didn't touch her. She asks Sally to stay with her just until she “drops off.” |

1 comment:
sally is a bitch, fiz is adorable, rosie should have stayed in the attic, simon is cute, tom and maria should date, blanche should be my gramma, john is a fucktard, yay for carla being gone, and you make my soul complete.
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